Happy Birthday, Eddie

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Dedicated to: Echo_Dark_Archer

Everyone is going south, Kenji and Ben helps (Y/N) walk, everyone was bothered by mosquitoes. Brooklynn was stressed that (Y/N) would turn into a dinosaur at anytime. Then Ben screaming made everyone else scream.

Ben: Sorry, I stepped on a twig.

Brooklynn: Oh, come on.

Yasmina: Oh my god.

Sammy: Nearly gave me a heart attack.

Kenji: I should step on you.

Darius: It's okay, Ben.

(Y/N): We're all on edge.

Yasmina: And lost.

Sammy: Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. (Y/N), we sure we're still headed towards the park?

Brooklynn: Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!

Yasmina: Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?!

Ben: You guys! What's wrong with (Y/N)?

Everyone looks at (Y/N) and saw his left arm was hard with black scales.

(Y/N): It's one of the transformations. Without the device, it goes slower so we still have time.

Darius: But you don't have a transformation that's black.

Kenji: My fellow campers! Chill! What we need is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership materiel... I'll do this. And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and listen to either Darius or (Y/N). I'm definitely listening to (Y/N) from what happened at the tree house.

(Y/N): Huh?

Kenji: You and Darius got us out of Camp alive. Plus, I get to blame you or Darius if anyone gets eaten. Leadership.

(Y/N) grabs Kenji by the throat and slams him into the ground.

(Y/N): Listen here you egotistical idiot! No one is getting eaten! And you are not the leader!

Kenji: Right! Which way, leader?

(Y/N) then looks at the group.

Brooklynn: Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP. None of us know where we are.

Darius: I know where we are! We're by the Carnotaurus paddock. I thought this place looked familiar.

Kenji: Well, (Y/N) must have made Darius leader, so Darius is an excellent leader or what?

Everyone follows Darius and push past the bushes.

Darius: I remember the fence. The broken, ripped-down fence.

(Y/N): Toro.

Ben: That means... That means Toro is out here... with us.

(Y/N): So we have to deal with that white Dinosaur and Toro.

Darius: Hold up. How do you know about Toro, Ben?

Yasmina: We all know. Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened.

(Y/N) didn't hear what Kenji said next as he was to focused on the scales on his arm that was now spreading a bit. But then he saw everyone walking away, so he ran after them. While trying to find any type of safe place, (Y/N) heard Yasmina talking about Brooklynn.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now