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AURELIA INTRODUCED HER FRIENDS TO THE TEAM Blaise and Theo immediately getting along with the older boys Adrian and Terrence. Daphne had a crush on Chase Kingsley who in return showed interest in her, Marcus trying to recruit Blaise. Draco politely having a conversation with Graham — all seems well.

    It was around 12 in the morning, Aurelia was walking towards the direction of the Slytherin common room, yawning when the serpent earring Hissed, she ignored it thinking that the earring was only giving her an opportunity when she first heard jt.

"Kill . . . . Student — Pure. . . You shall be spared young one . . . ."

    The voice sents shivers down her spine, she stopped. Looking around to see if anyone was there, Nothing. What was she expecting? It was way passed the curfew and the halls were already dark. Surely no students would stroll around the castle — she thought, forgetting the fact that she and draco did that last year. When she heard it again, it sounded close; too close infact. But she couldn't see it anywhere.

    "Hello?" She called out, was this someone's joke of a prank? Cause it definitely was not funny, in any way at all. The earrie silence frightening her even more — it would've been fine if she was accompanied by someone, the problem was she wasn't — she could hear the sound of her own heart hammering thru her chest when she saw something move at the corner of her eyes. 

    "Show yourself. " She called out, she paused a few more minutes before  wearily walking forward to approach the shadows, her voice echoing throughout the hall.

"You. . . . Understand. . . Me. . .?"

    Aurelia froze once again, not expecting  whatever it is to answer back. Her hand already clutching her wand as sweat dripped down her forehed, swallowing her fear and letting curiosity get the best of her she squinted, holding her wand out she began trudging forward.

"What are you doing?"

   "Fuck merlin with a wand!" She jumped, turning around pointing her wand at the source. She saw none other than a very annoying Fredrick Weasley, grinning.

    "Fred Weasley! Why would you do that!" She whispered-shouted punching him in the arm. The boy gave her a wider lopsided grin, looking amused then shrugging.

    "What kind of wand would you fuck him wit —" Aurelia cutted him off by smacking the back of his head. Fred rubbed the spot she smacked before pouting.

    "Ow. It's not my fault your jumpy." Aurelia huffed glaring at the boy before turning and raking her gaze around the corridor.

   "Darling, you alright?" Fred asked  finally noticing her distressed state.

     Aurelia paused thinking on whether or not she would tell him  "Did you hear that freddie?" She asked in a hushed voice, muttering lumos and pointing her wand around — squinting to get a better view further down the Halls.

    Fred watched her every movement, she was looking around uneasiness seen at her face; holding her wand out. Fred furrowed his brows 'What on earth could've made her this terrified.'

     "No? Why what is it?" He asked, Aurelia grabbed his hand dragging the boy into another corridor away from the one they were standing on a while ago. She was having goosebumps, she felt like someone was watching them both; although she doesn't know where she can feel a gaze ligering at her skin, making her more troubled by the minute.

     "Are you sure? You didn't hear a . . . A voice?" She stopped turning around to face him before asking hesitantly, Fred looked down at her, confused. Shaking his head, Aurelia hadn't even noticed herself holding her breath in until Fred answered, making her sigh in relief. Her fingers loosened her hold on Fred's arm she glanced around nervously before raking her fingers through her hair wondering if maybe she was hallucinating.

     "Want me to escort you to your common room?" Fred asked, making her snap out of her thoughts. Fred looked down at her Expectantly, hoping she would let him escort her all the way back, it was afterall late at night and he knew that something was definitely wrong.

    "That would be lovely freddie, thank you." She nodded smiling up at him thankfully gazing into his deep brown eyes and linking her arm in his, letting him lead her throughout the halls momentarily distracting her thoughts.

     Days later, aurelia would find herself walking down the Halls late at night searching for the voice, she was even going against curfew finding absolutely nothing out of place, she finally decided to return to her dorms and sleep her curiosity away. But then later that night was different, Calleana woke her up in the middle of the night, looking extremely repulsed and horrified.

    "Aurelia, aurelia. Please wake up." The brunette whispered, frantically shaking her awake. Aurelia propped up her elbows and squinted to see calleana's sweat trickling down her face, Aurelia immediately sat up and  reached to clasp the girl's hands in hers.

    "Calleana what's wrong?"

     She asked softly, the girl whimpered a few silent tears running down her cheeks. She threw herself against Aurelia snaking her arms around the girls neck, hugging her tightly. Aurelia cooed and tried her best to calm the girl down wondering what on earth had happened to make the girl so frantic.

     By the time Calleana had calmed down, she basically sobbed the whole prophecy she had seened and was now spooned by Aurelia — Calleanas head layed against her chest, Aurelia had her chin propped on the top of her head. She said that was terrified of seeing Aurelia standing down on what looks like a waterway, controlling a very large basilisk with only the flick of her wrist. She saw bones and Harry Potter dying — at the hands of her dearest friend Aurelia.

    The Malfoy couldn't get a wink of sleep, she kept thinking about what calleana had said. 'Was this connected to the voice I've been hearing this past few days?' She thought, extremely intrigued at what Calleana had seen, wishing she could see for herself. I killed Harry? I controlled a basilisk? It couldn't have been possible. She would know if she was a Parselmouth . . . Would she? The blonde was intrigued, she wanted to know whether she really was one. She had been sheltered, not meeting one so she couldn't actually be sure.

    Not long after came a bloody surprise, Aurelia was following the voice with her brother Draco who she dragged to come with, when they stumbled upon the Gryffindor trio Harry, Ron and Hermione looking up the wall.

On the wall was a message written in blood


      Draco pointed to a lump, Aurelia squinted and gasped. Filtch's cat, Aurelia hasn't even noticed the swarm of students that surrounded them. She watched as filtch shove his way thru the crowd, gasping as he saw his poor cat and went on stomping and grabbing the boy Harry Potter. The girl knew that the scenarios wasn't simply a coincidence and she planned on getting to the bottom of it, calleana's prophecy was helpful — now she knows where to look.

'What is this, what's their connections.'

    She was determined to know what was happening, what was the Chamber of Secrets? Could she really be a parseltounge? Her questions were later on answered thanks to the pathetic little Dueling club Gilderoy Lockhart formed. The start of their journey had finally begun. Their fates intertwined, the boy who lived and the girl who chose — who will be her salvation?

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