Malfoy manor

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House: any other house than Slytherin (you'll find out later in the story)

Blood: any other than pureblood (you'll find out about that too)

Warning(s): Draco's dad being a b!t€h.
You will get hurt one single time.
+Draco is a softie <3.

Words: 1683

I think that was all, happy reading :)

The clock is 6 pm and you are on your way to the Malfoy manor. It is your first time talking to Lucius and Narcissa. You are looking forward to meet them. Draco had told you a lot about his mom, Narcissa. Not a single thing about his dad, Lucius. You once asked him a question about his dad, but he ignored it.
The cold rain is dripping down your face. You look up and realize that you are at the Malfoy manor already. You lightly knock on the door, and it doesn't take a long time for someone to open. Narcissa.

"Well, hello dear! It is lovely to see you!" she says with a sweet voice.
"Great to see you too!" You say and smile up at her face.
Suddenly a familiar face pops up behind her. Your one and only boyfriend. Draco.
"Y/n!" He says happily and tries not to smile too much. You giggle. He is always so hype when he is near you.
"Come inside!" Narcissa says and lets you step inside.

You and Narcissa start talking a lot, and you find out that Draco was right. She is really nice. Suddenly you hear a beep. Narcissa turns her head to look behind her shoulder. She turns her head to look at you again.
"It is just the oven. I will be back soon." She says and smiles.
She walks to the kitchen and you feel a light tap on your shoulder. You turn your head to see who it is.
"What do you think of my mom?" Draco asks and smiles.
"She is really nice. Is your dad home? You never told me about him." You ask, but before he can answer you, you hear a voice behind you.
"I am back!" It is Narcissa. "I hope you are hungry," she says and a smile appears on her face. "Is that a question?" you ask and giggle. "I'm always hungry." You say while smiling.
"I'm used to that." Draco laughs.
Not many seconds later you sit at a big table. It feels really weird, that you are only 3 people sitting at a giant table. You, Draco, and Narcissa are eating, talking, and laughing, but everything ends when you hear footsteps and that's when you realize who it is. Lucius.
"Draco. Is that your little..." He stops talking for a second. You stand up. He looks you up and down.
"Girlfriend." He then says.
"Yes, father. Y/n this is my father, Lucius. Lucius, this is y/n." Draco looks uncomfortable.
"Hello, Mister Malfoy." You smile gently at him.
He scoffs. You sit down again. Lucius places his hands on the table and looks directly into your eyes.
It makes you uncomfortable.
"Tell me about yourself." He says. "Are you a pureblood?"
You can hear Draco gasp. Everyone was quiet. Draco's dad is scary.
"Uh, sorry mister, I am a y/b..." you say while looking at your plate with a half-eaten chicken wing. Lucius removed his hands from the table. He makes a shocked face. He looks at Draco, then at you, Draco, Then you, Draco, you, Draco, you, Draco.
"Draco. Why would you choose to date this filthy little girl?" He looks in disgust. Before Draco gets to say something, Narcissa stands up.
"Lucius, let me talk to you real quick." She says in a serious voice.
"Let me talk to the filthy girl first." He says.
Draco whispers something to his mom.
"It's gonna be alright, he wouldn't do something to her..." she replies to whatever Draco said, and then she mumbles something that you can't hear. Lucius grabs your upper-arm.
"We will be back soon." He says with no emotions on his face. Draco looks nervous. No. Scared. Maybe even terrified.
He drags you to a door.
"But mom..." you hear Draco say, but then Lucius steps inside, still holding you, and closes the door.
"My son can't be with a y/b!" He almost yells. You get scared and your legs feel weak. Not only because he is scary, but because you are angry. Too angry.
"But Mister Malfoy, what is wrong with not being a pure-blood? I can't see what-" he cuts you off by slapping your cheek. Damn, he slapped you hard. Your eyes fill with tears.
"Stay away from my son, or I will make it worse for yourself." He says and leans down to look at your face. Your faces are only a few inches from each other now. Your cheek still hurts, so you take your hand and put it on your cheek.
"Act like nothing happened, ok?" He says.
You nod quickly. He grabs your upper-arm, opens the door, and drags you into the room where Narcissa and Draco are. Draco is letting his fingers through his hair. He is looking at the floor. Narcissa is hugging him. He looks up as he hears the door slam and so to Narcissa. Lucius lets go of you quickly. Draco and Narcissa can see the pain and the fear in your eyes. They can see that only one of your cheeks is red. You see the way Draco looks at you. He looks so scares that you can't even look at him. You look down at your shoes.
"Lucius, may I talk to you for a moment?" Narcissa asks. Lucius nods slowly. That will leave you and Draco alone.
After you hear the door slam, he runs over to you and hugs you. You hug him back. When he pulls back he can see the tears in your eyes.
"What did he do?!" Draco asks and almost covers his mouth. You are the type who never cries. You are supposed to be the happy girl. That is impossible right now. Your voice cracks when you say:
"It's not much I-" he cuts you off with a long, gentle kiss. His hands are at your waist and your hands are on his shoulders. You both slowly pull away.
"I'm sorry for my dad." He says. His hands are still on your waist and your hands on his shoulders.
"Don't worry about it. It is not your fault." You say smiling. The tears in your eyes are gone, but your cheek is still red. He lets your head rest on his shoulder and his head rests on yours.
"YOU TELL HER SORRY!" A voice yells from the room where Lucius and Narcissa now are arguing.
"What did my father do to you?" he asks looking down. You don't have the time to answer, because the door opens. An angry Narcissa and an angry Lucius step out of the room.
"Sit down, please, dear," Narcissa says. Lucius takes the place in front of you. You rub your arms.
"I'm so sorry for causing all this drama! I feel like everything is my fault and-"
"Shh, it's not your fault," Narcissa tells you, then he looks next to herself. She is looking at Lucius. Lucius is trying to ignore her. He seems bloody pissed.
"Ouch, what was that for?!" Lucius asks and looks at Narcissa who just hit him under the table. He breathes in, then out, then makes eye contact with you.
"Sorry." He says without showing any emotions.
Narcissa gives Lucius a weird look with her eyes.
"Ugh. I am sorry that I hit you. I got angry." He says and breaks the eye contact.
"I forgive you." You smile at him. He doesn't smile back, but you already knew he wouldn't. There is an awkward silence for some seconds until Lucius asks:
"What is your house?" Everyone goes silent again.
"My house is y/h..." you answer. Lucius slams his hands into the table.
"GET OUT!" He takes his wand out and points it at you.
"Father?!" Draco yells. "You don't even want me to be happy... she's, not a pure-blood. Or a Slytherin. And? Who even cares about that?"
You can feel the butterflies in your stomach. Lucius did not lower his wand.
"Out." He said with the coldest voice you had ever heard.
"I'm sorry. I will go now, just please lower your wand." You say. At this time you are really nervous. What if he kills you? He would probably do that.
"LUCIUS!" Narcissa yells. Draco stands there in shock.
"Kid, you should better run." Lucius is still pointing his wand at you. You run off with tears dripping down your face.
"Babe!!" You hear Draco yell.
You don't care. All you think about is leaving. You approach the front door. Yess! The door isn't locked!
You run to the black lake. One of your favorite places to be. You dry the tears off your face. Behind you, you can hear the sounds of an exhausted Draco. He falls down next to you. You can see all the tears streaming down his face.
"Babe I'm so sorry!! Don't mind my dad." You both spread your arms out and hug each other. You can hear him sobbing and that makes you sad.
"Baby, don't cry! You're making me sad!' You say. You both pull away from the long-lasting hug. You are sitting with your hands behind you, leaning backward. He is sitting on his knees.
"Please forgive me." He begs and moves closer. He touches your neck softly and puts his hand on your waist. He leans forward until you are laying on your back. You put your hand on the back of his neck and the other hand in his hair. You kiss him. It is a long-lasting kiss. You pull away.
"Of course I forgive you!"

Uh- I hope you liked the story :) I hope it wasn't weird LMFAO. I'll probably make another story soon <3 Thank you for reading!

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