Study Date- TenyaDenki

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Denki POV

He huffed as he leaned back in his chair, staring at the godforsaken set of books in front of him. Aizawa always gave them a little too much homework. Well it was always way too much for Denki but it was fine. He could normally copy off of Mina or Kirishima however due to Bakugou's new rules Denki wasn't allowed to do that anymore. He'd ask Kirishima, Sero, or Mina to help him study but they were busy hanging out with the others today and Bakugou was out of the question since he was just overall scary.

Denki let out a groan, his head falling back against his chair before he got up and walked over to his bed and grabbed his phone, scrolling through his contacts before he came upon one and he sighed. Last resorts eh?



Hey Sonic, can I come work on homework with you?



Yes but don't you normally study with Kirishima?



Yeah but he's hanging out with the rest of the class today. I'm so behind on homework so they told me I had to work on it or else.



Yes you can come over. What time?



Now? I'm kinda bored and dunno what I'm doing.



Sure I'm just studying.



I'm on my way!

Denki gathered his books before he made his way to Iida's dorm, carefully knocking on the door. When the door was opened he walked in and set the books down on the desk before turning to Iida with a huff. "I need help. Bad." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

Iida POV

He turns back to look at Kaminari and he seems annoyed. He walks over and looks at the books and realizes he still has a good amount of homework left. "You should not procrastinate so much." He would give a lecture about why procrastination is bad but instead decides to just get started.

He sits on the ground and places his books down and looks back at Kaminari. The blonde sat across from him with his own books and smiled. "Thanks Iida."

He starts to open a book and looks back up at him, "Of course it is my job as class representative to help the other students in need." He says while making his hand movements. He looks at Kaminari, "What would you like to start with?" He knows the blonde has quite a bit of work compared to himself but it wouldn't be respectful of him to not help.

Denki rubbed the back of his head before he pointed to the science section, grabbing his book and opening it to the page they were told to answer the set of questions there. "We can start here, I at least know a little about science. Like how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."

He looks up from his book and sighs since they weren't even learning about the mitochondria or cells. He decides to start with math and they could work from there. He pulls out his math sheet and gestures for Kaminari to do the same and once he does he shows him how to do it. He had already done the work and leaned over to look at Kaminaris work and pointed out whenever he did something wrong.

It wasn't long before Kaminari flopped backwards, frustrated about the fact he got a lot of the answers wrong. One he somehow got apples. It was math for god's sake. "I can't do this Iida, I'm not smart enough and Aizawa is gonna expel me and-"

He saw him flop back and quickly moved out of the way. "Kaminari you need to get this done, he won't expel you if you study." He looked at the blond staring at the ceiling and then looked back at the math. He looked at his bag and opened it seeing more homework in there that needed to be done.

He needed to get Kaminari to get his work done because as class rep he couldn't leave him like this. He picked up the math homework and looked over the answers and saw that many of them were wrong. He grabbed a pencil and marked the ones that were wrong and then looked over at Kaminari, "I can explain this to you but you first need to sit up."

He was waving his hand around as always until Kaminari eventually sat up. This time he was slower in his explanation and checked after every step to make sure that he understood. After he had fully explained one problem he handed it back to Kaminari, "Do you understand now?" He looked at Kaminari.

Kaminari gave him a dead look before flopping back again. "Can't we just go see a movie or play video games instead?" Kaminari whined, resting his arm across his eyes in an attempt to block out the light and the homework. It didn't stop the heat from Iida's eyes reaching him though.

He sighed frustrated but refused to give up. "You must do this to do well in class." He grabbed the homework and a pencil. "Will you do this one with me and then after you're done with your homework you can go with your friends to the movies." He offered the blond a pencil as well and watched as he moved his arm and slowly sat up.

He handed him the pencil and then looked at the problem, "Just do it one step at a time and once you get it the rest will be easy." He was planning on just letting Kaminari do it and then he could correct whatever he gets wrong.

On the first step Kaminari had an error which was quickly corrected and as he continued through it until he had double checked with his homework that he had gotten the right answer. He once again turned to Kaminari and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Kaminari was ecstatic. He actually did understand! The blonde didn't even pause when he threw himself at Iida hugging him tight. "You're a damn wizard Tenya Iida!" He laughed before he pulled away and there was a light blush on his cheeks. "And the movie thing. I was actually hoping we could go, just the two of us." He grinned.

Iida looked at his classmate surprised by the invitation. He made hand motions not sure of what to say. He had some more homework to do that he should get to but instead he sighed, "As class representative it would be rude to turn down your invitation."

Kaminari smirked. "Then, as class representative, you have to be my boyfriend." Iida's eyes widened and a slight blush appeared on his face. He cleared his throat and looked at him. He wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him honestly.

"Well when you put it that way I don't have a choice." He gently took Kaminari's face in his hand and leaned in kissing him gently. Kaminari froze up a little before he melted into the gentle touch and the matching kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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