Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Justine, I have 3 older brothers, and a little sister. I'm 14 years old, It was just my birthday on the 25th of January. So today I'm going to meet the Magcon guys with my two best friends Haley and Melanie, and also my friend Eian is coming with us. "I can't wait to meet Hayes!" Melanie shouted running into my room and jumping onto my bed. I just fell back onto my bed and laughed. All three of them spent the night, that's why they are here at 7 in the morning.

"Mel! It's 7 am, go away!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her. Which she just threw right back at me. "Ugh! Fine i'm up!" I said getting up, then walking into my huge closet. I grabbed a pair of black jean shorts, my Hayes Grier shirt, and a pair of full black high top converse. Melanie was already dressed in a crop top that said 'Hayes' Girl' with blue shorts, and blue vans. We both walked down the stair and walked into my living room to see that Haley was already ready, while Eian was still asleep on the couch.

I quickly grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it. "Ah stop it!" he screamed while covering his face with his hands. "then get up lazy bum!" he lazily got up, then went to get ready while us girls just talked about the Magcon guys. "Shawn is so cute!" i said smiling at the thought of him. "But Hayes is cuter!" Melanie said. "No, Shawn is!" Haley said hugging me for some reason. "Haha Shawn wins." I said while Melanie fake pouted.

"When do we leave anyways?" Eian asked walking into the room wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. "8:30." "Okay." It's about 7:30 now, so we have an hour to eat, and just hang out. We all quickly ate a bowl of cereal, then we just sat on the couch and talked for the rest of the time.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>At Magcon<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

We luckily got here first, so that means that we get to see the guys first. "Oh my god!" Melanie screamed making us all turn to look at her. The guys were walking our way, I swear Melanie was fangirling like crazy while Haley and I just stood there like normal people. Eian was just laughing like crazy at the way Melanie reacted to the guys.

"So I guess you are the only people here, so this is going to be a lot more fun, since there isn't enough girls to be screaming too loud." Nash said walking up to us. I looked around to see that is was only us and 6 other girls, i guess people just couldn't come. Melanie was still freaking out, and all of the guys were just staring at her, then at Haley and I. "Are you guys not fans or..." Cameron asked. "Oh no, we are, it's just we rather not go crazy over a group of human beings!" I said the last part looking at Melanie who was crying like crazy.

"Oh, so you think that we are normal people?" Shawn asked. "Of course, cause you are. you guys just happened to get lucky and now you're here making a ton of girls go crazy." I said smiling. "You are literally the first fan to say that." Matt said. "Yeah, she's just acting cool right now, but when we get home she's probably going to scream." Eian said earning two punches from both haley and I.

"You're talking about Melanie, get your friends right god Eian!" The guys just laughed. "Well we should all probably go inside, come on." Taylor said pushing us into the buliding. "Oh my god! how can you be so calm?" A girl asked walking up to me. "Well they are normal people you know that right?" She just stared at me. "Okay then bye." I said awkwardly then walked away.

I caught up with my friends, and since there isn't many people here, we got to be infront. Hayes was sitting on the edge of the stage talking to Haley and Melanie, well mainly Haley because Melanie still needs time to calm down. "Hey bae." I said hugging Haley, then hugging Melanie. Hayes was just smiling at us. "So what are your names?" Haley and I looked at eachother then at Hayes. "I'm Haley, this is Justine, and the crying one who needs to calm down is Melanie."

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