A Night of Celebration

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Street lamps shed just enough light to see the adjoining person. For the women, little accommodation was provided to defend against the cold. Hoop skirted dresses allowed only 2 persons per seat, if that. Luckily the Baringers specifically requested a carriage with enough berth to take on such extravagance.
The two men, each glued to the side of his partner for the night, wore a fantastic top hat that accessorized his dark suit. An excited silence filled the car, with imagined scenes of perfect sequence playing out in their heads. The young King's party had arrived, for most its date crept closer at an agonizingly slow pace until suddenly it was upon them. Anyone who could come was welcome, and royal representatives from nearby kingdom's were called to join the celebration.
They passed a busy street, an orchestras quick melody pleasing their ears. People in their best dress pressed against the carriage, giddy with the festive atmosphere. The coachman signaled for the car to slow down as traffic increased.
Birgetta, the youngest Baringer, watched with wide eyed amazement at the spectacle. "I wonder where they are all going!" She put her hand on the window, completely enthralled. Her partner took the other, as if he expected her to fly away without its security.
"Timbal Square," the eldest Baringer sister answered. Her attention was cast to the lights suspended in the air. Globes of flame strung to overhanging string sported varying colors to light the way. It was rare to see colorful flame, and she had always wondered what created it.
"I hear music, let's go see what it's about," her free hand moved to the door handle.
"No!" Her partner reached to stop it from opening, "We'll be late to His Majesty's opening speech." His frantic eyes looked to the eldest for help.
She inhaled as if it was a grand task for her to contribute, "Yes, and it is much too cold outside."
"Awh," Brigetta complained, tapping her heeled foot against the floor. She spent a moment to think of a better argument. Unsatisfied with their lack of response Brigetta continued, "We might as well! We are at a near stop now!"
"Are you finished?" Her sister quirked an amused eyebrow. She huffed in response, falling back into her seat, and banging her head on the backboard as she did so.
"Ow!" She dramatically stated, avoiding touching her hair for fear it would lose its form.
"Are you alright?" Her partner asked, the look in his eye showing he knew she was. Brigetta pouted, nodding. They turned away from each other, waiting for the carriage to start moving again.
After several minutes of being idle the eldest opened the door. "We could walk to the castle at the rate we're going," was her justification. Everyone in the car shivered at the prompt front of brisk night air. Yet no one complained, they hopped out, giving their coach an approximated return time.
Both partners grabbed hold of their respective consorts hands before advancing into the crowd. Birgetta had a wondrous child like expression on her face, oblivious of the dirty streets and bodies surrounding them.
The crowd spilled into the square, filling up any free corner outside of the inner circle. Mountains of tulle spun around the musicians, their consorts plain hand being the only thing keeping them from floating in the air. Birgetta gasped in delight, pulling the group closer. The eldest sister noticed the grand candle globes, now strung to the fountain in exorbitant light.
The young sister begged to join the dance, but her elders refused. Upon closer inspection you could see the worn patches in the people's clothing, smudges and stains distinguishing them as the working class. Even the layers of tulle upon the dancing girls skirts were thin. They had no business interfering in this world.
"Please, let us return to the carriage. It's been long enough," the eldest's partner's skinny frame shook from the cold. The eldest bowed her head.
"You're right, we've taken enough time as it is," she turned away without an ear for her sisters protests.

Quick Chapter for you guys, I'm not sure if this will actually continue, but I have more for you guys don't worry! It is just beginning...

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