Meet up ;D

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Sapnap opens the door, yawning. He rubs his eyes and sees to his surprise, Dream and George waving.
"Dream?! George?!" He exclaims. Dream hugs him tightly and George comes in eventually too. They all start blushing.
"Helloo!" Dream says happily while George bursts out laughing. Eventually they walk in, Sapnap falls onto the sofa, Dream and George both sat either sides of him and smiled.
"So is this what the tweet was about?" Sapnap asks, curiously.
"yEsssS" Dream replies as a even bigger smile creeps upon his face.
"Wanna play truth or dare, guys?!" George asks.
"Hell yeah!" They both respond in sync. They all start laughing and eventually, headed to Sapnap's bedroom. His room was quite messy, but nobody minded. They sat infront of his bed,
"Who want's to go first?" George asks.
"MEE!" Sapnap shouts.
"George truth or dare?" He asks, waiting for a awnser.
"Truth!" He says with a smirk.
"Ooh! Sapnap c'mre I have one!" Dream says with a devil - looking smirk. Sapnap runs over and sits next to him. Dream covers his ear and whispers something.
"Ooh." Sapnap says smirking. George looks at him curiously. Sapnap turns to George.
"Who are your crushes?" He asks, he starts grinning. George stares at him. He gives a bitter look.
"I- Uhm.." He stutters as he breathes in.
"Their- You guys.." He says looking away, hugging his arms. He looks down, wondering if he made the right choice to tell them this early. Sapnap crawls over and hugs him. George looks up to see Dream and Sapnap with a mervous smirk.
"You're not- mad.?" George asks.
"No! We love you too!" Dream says laughing (* insert kettle wheeze *)
George starts laughing, holding Sapnap in his arms as he falls asleep. They go into Sapnap's messy bed and fall asleep there.

(They hug like this)
Dream starts snoring, while Sapnap and George peacefully sleep
(Next morning)
Sapnap sits up slowly, trying not to awake George and Dream. Though, Dream wasn't asleep either. He sits up with Sapnap and kisses him on the cheek.
"Wanna go get breakfast?" Dream whispers.
"Sure, I'll be there." Sapnap whispers back, smiling.
Dream goes into the kitchen ready to make breakfast. He decides to make eggs like always. Sapnap puts up a sign saying, 'We love you Gogy :)" And hangs it up on the wall. He goes into the kitchen with drem. He comes up from behind and hugs him round his waist.
"Watcha making?" He asks, in a cute sleepy voice.
"Making eggs" Drem says smiling.
"Your morning voice is cute" He says laughing. He flips over the eggs. While   Sapnap giggles. Once Dream had finished making the eggs, he kissed Sapnap, George walked in smiling. Sapnap turns around,
"Morning gogy!" He says happily. He walks over and hugs George tightly.
"I saw the sign!" He says laughing.
"Good!" He says giggling with George. Dream looks confused, but goes along with it because his boys were happy.
"C'mon, breakfast's ready!" He says, setting up the plates.

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