Chapter 8

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I had a rough time trying to sleep last night. There was just so much to process from what happened yesterday.

Dally asked me on a date, Johnny and I ran into our parents who almost killed us, and Two-bit basically told Dally that he has a thing for me.

Me and Two-bit though? I've never really thought about us like that.

He's always been my best friend is it possible that there could be something more between us?

He doesn't even know that I heard last nights conversation between them, so it is extremely important that I do not mention it at all.

I spotted Johnny sitting on the back porch, so I got up to tell him good morning.

Sitting down, I say to him, "Hey, Johnny, how're you feeling?"

I only caught a glimpse of the side of his face which was badly damaged.

He sat completely still without making eye contact and without saying a word to me.

"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday okay. I should have never led you there it was stupid of me. I'm the older sibling, and I need to start acting like it."

His head turned an inch in my direction, "You know what I can't even figure out? Why you were there in the first place."

I didn't feel like this was the right time or place to tell him about my acceptance or rejection letter from Yale just yet.

"I just...I needed some clothes. I'm starting to run out, and I don't have the money to buy any."

He shook his head, "If you are just going to keep lying to me then I don't want to see you. Just get lost, Liz."

He stood up and walked back inside without me. That was probably the meanest thing he's ever said to me. He had every right to be upset though.

I hate lying to him and everybody in the gang but the truth will only hurt them more. For them to know that I may be leaving Tulsa would just destroy everyone. It's better this way.

Dally then came outside to see me, "Hey, everything all right?"

I lied straight through my teeth, "Yeah, I'm okay."

He bought it, "Good well since we didn't get to go on our date yesterday, how about we do something tonight? Just me and you."

"I'm not sure that it's such a good idea anymore. Besides look at me, my wounds are still healing."

I held both my arms out to see that they still looked bad, but overall I felt okay physically.

"Don't worry about it, Liz, I think it makes you look like a total bad ass."

My cheeks turned red as I moved my head away to where he couldn't see me blushing. I still cannot believe how hard I am falling for this guy.

"Are you sure you want to see a movie tonight?"

He smiled, "Only if you're up for it."

Maybe going on this date can give me a little distraction from everything that's been going on in my life.

"Okay but remember-"

"Yeah, yeah don't tell anyone about it. I know, Liz."

Knowing that he respected my wishes really made me happy inside. First and foremost, I needed to get some breakfast.

I didn't think it was best to eat with the Curtis family since Johnny would be staying with them.

So, I decided to go to the Dingo where I work and grab a bite to eat.

This Thanksgiving break from school has definitely been one to remember, but I can't wait to go back so I'll have a seven hour distraction everyday.

I stood up from the back step and started walking towards the front of the house.

"Hey, Liz, where you going?" Dally called after me.

"I'm going to the Dingo for breakfast. Johnny's not going to want me around for the time being."

He unzipped his jacket, "Hang on alright I'm coming with you."

Before I even got the chance to turn him down, he was putting his prized possession over my shoulder. His black leather jacket.

I looked up at him in shock and asked, "Why would you give me this?"

He smiled, "I don't want you to get sick. Besides, it's a long walk from here to the Dingo and the streets are still crawling with socs. Why don't we just take my car?"

I agreed, "Okay deal, but you should know that I plan on paying for breakfast you got that."

"Yes, mam."

He didn't open the passenger door for me like I was kind of hoping for but that's okay. Some things a girl has to do on her own.

I took a look behind me at the Curtis house before stepping into Dally's car.

Two-bit's POV

I watched her as she wore Dally's jacket around both of her shoulders.

She walked with him to his car and took a look back. However, she couldn't see me watching through the window.

As he drove away, my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I might just be in love with this girl.

Should I let her be with someone else or should I fight for her?

There's only one person in the gang who I felt like talking to, "Hey, Soda, you got a second to talk?"

"Yeah, sure, what's on your mind buddy?"

I looked across the kitchen table at Johnny and said, "Let's go to your room it's kind of private."

"Sure thing."

I followed behind as we went to his and Pony's bedroom. The exact place where I kind of admitted to having feelings for Liz last night.

"So, what's on your mind?"

"I think...I think I might..Look, I think I may be falling for someone. This girl is amazing. She's sweet, caring, and beautiful."

He asked, "Okay, so what's the problem?"

"The problem is, is that I think she might be falling for somebody else. I'm not sure whether I should tell her how I feel or step back."

He nodded his head and kept eye contact with me as he began to take in my situation.

"Keeping your feelings bottled up is never an okay thing to do, but you also need to ask yourself if you are the one that can make her happy."

If she would give me a chance, I know I could definitely make her feel special.

"Thanks, Soda, you're a good friend."

"Anytime, Two, and I hope things work out with you and Liz."

My heart stopped as I wondered how he knew I meant her. I gave him a smile, "Yeah, so do I."

So do I.

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