1- Saturday before Prom

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Betty and Jughead:

Saturday Morning. When Betty wakes up, she sees Jughead sitting next to her window writing on his laptop. He is dressed in his grey T-shirt with the S and his toe-brown hair covers his face.

-Jugh, what are you doing up so early? - asks she with a big smile. He raises his head, pulls his hair back, stares with his blue eyes at her and with a mischievous smile says:

-I am finishing my novel. Do you want to read it?

-Of course! Are you sure you want to leave the version where we take Principal Honey to the Hospital? I mean it is nice, but I like the idea of killing him and burying him a lot - Betty says ironically laughing. -no, really, you changed your mind after reading his letter. What was it about?

-It was a letter he wrote for the university and he said that they should give me a chance. When I rode that I notices that he wasn't a bad person, he just wanted a perfect Riverdale Hight and he used the wrong forms. - responds Jughead.

-Yeah, you are right. Well. I don't bother you anymore, you have to finish the story this week!

-Yes, I should send it next Friday before Prom.

Then Betty reminds: In only one-week life as she knows was over. Prom night was next Friday. Every time she thought about that, she felt bad. In two weeks, Veronica and Cherly would move to their universities, then Archie, in three weeks she and in one month her boyfriend if he get accepted. She knew the relation with his friends and with Jughead wouldn't be the same. That's why she thought, that they should talk about it, otherwise she would lose contact with her best friends and likely Jughead and her would break up because of the long distance relation. But that wasn't the only think she was worried about: At first the thing with the tapes was making her crazy. At first, when they only filmed their door entries it was okey, but know the videos was cruel and she feared receive a new tape. Her second problem was Archie. One month ago, she had had a few moments with him. After talking with Cherly she realized that she wasn't in love with him, she loved Jughead! Of course, she said that to Archie and of that moment on they hadn't talked about it. They both knew that if that came out, they both would lose Jughead and Veronica. Maybe she should tell him about the kisses before somebody else tells him. Betty was almost crying. She turns around so Jughead can't see her face, but he just noticed that his girlfriend wasn't feeling well. He walks to the bed and he hugs her in the back, as he asks:

-Betty, are you okey? What is wrong?

-I don't know, I was just thinking about us, college and prom. I mean in only three weeks I am going to Yale and one week later you go too. I don't know if a will be able to be with a person, that lives more than thousand kilometers away and that I only can kiss and hug twice a year.

-I know... it will be difficult. But the only thing that I know is that I love you to much for just give up and don't try it. - says Jughead. Usually she was the one that cried and he wanted to be strong, but Betty knows that he was holding back the tears.

-I think we should talk about us for real one day. - said Betty referring to her kiss with Archie.

-Do you mean about our long-distance relation and how we are going to manage it?

-Yeah, that too. - Jughead looks at her, his face is near to hers and then he comes closer and kisses her.

Veronica and Archie:

At the same time Archie just woke up in Veronicas bed. Last night had been fun, after a mister Honeys drama and a lot of stress with the last exams, the just wanted to have fun and don't waste one minute of the two weeks they have before she goes to college thinking about bad thing. The hadn't talked about their long-distance relation yet and aren't going to do it. They just wanted to live the life like normal 12-graders do. Of course, Veronica doesn't know about the kiss, she would be heartbroken, angry with Betty and break up with Archie. He knew that. But he? He was happy with her but he couldn't stop thinking about Betty. He had tried, he knew he would never have something serious with her. She was in a happy relation and very sorry for cheating on Jughead. What sould he do? He cant talk with Veronica or Jughead about that, Betty neither. He felt very alone for that moment. Then Veronica wakes up too.

-Good morning, Archikens - says Veronica, while she comes closer to kiss him: -Did you sleep well? -

-Morning, Ronni. Yes, I did and I wanted to let your know that last night was amazing. - he responds with his big smile and kisses her again. Veronica laughs and smiles.

Cherly and Toni:

Saturday afternoon. Cherly and Toni are in the school organizing prom. They still have a week, but there is a lot of work to do. The must decorate the place, buy food, do a Spotify music playlist and find perfect dresses for them. Cherly is just hanging a red garland and Toni sits near to her with a laptop searching for good music for the party.

-Babe, what type of music should we play. I mean the proms topic is Hollywood, but I think the people will enjoy modern pop more. What do you think? -asks Toni.

-Yeah, you are right. Babe, we must go shopping today. I know a little shop, where we are going to find amazing dresses. - proposes Cherly.

-okey, then let's go!

In the next chapter they will go to prom and Veronica is going to find out about Barchi (i am basing the story on the new trailer). How do you think is she going to find out and react? And what is going to happen on Prom?

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