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The Dixon family was a pretty wealthy family. Jasmine Dixon had recently got a job, along with her husband, Dylan, and had planed to move themselves and their only daughter to an estate in California. Their daughter, Kimberly, wasn't really up for moving or having people wait on her hand and foot. That was practically life, being her parents were so rich they could do as they please. It was actually quite a sight, most didn't believe she was apart of the Dixon family. It was often pointed out that she acted nor looked anything like them and in reality, she didn't. Most didn't know? Considering it was kept a secret, but the Dixon daughter was adopted a few days after she had turned two. Although many think she is of blood to the family, she's entirely different. That doesn't stop them from loving her, but it does make them wish she would act just a little bit as they did. Anywho, as time progressed and Kimberly became older, her parents became more involved with work rather than staying home with her. That led to her increased love of music and being creative. She didn't mind being alone as long as she had entertainment. The twenty-two year old spent most of her time working or making music. Often feeling singled out among the family and news headlines. Besides that, she developed a love for rap music. That being said, she had become an increasingly big fan of entertainers like Tupac, Biggie, Dr. Dre, and so on. Anyways, enjoy this short love story and tell me what you think should happen.

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