After school meeting

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A/N pov

*Bell rings* Y/N puts her book in her bag again and looks at the board. Behind her, some girls start to giggle. Y/N doesnt care, so she just looks at the board till miss jun walks in.

miss jun: good morning students today..... (Bla bla bla) ok but first lets check if everyones here... Bla bla bla

???: Miss?

Ms. jun: yes who now?

???: kai miss. ehhm why are you still doing this list its not like Y/N ever says anything

everybody laughs but Y/N is near to cry and miss jun sees it

Ms. jun: Kai! stop it

"Kai rolls with his eyes"

Ms. Jun: Im sorry Y/N

Y/N nodded her head

Ms. Jun: ok the last one would be Y/N but I already know shes here soooo

After some lessons the lunch bell rings and Y/N packed her things and left first.

Y/N pov

I packed my things real quik stood up and run out of the classroom. i didnt want to hear anything from my classmates. I packed my things in my locker and got to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I was the first one there... guess the others are still in class.

Lady behind the desk: Oh your here after 4 days. Im happy today is the day youre eating again. "Smiles"

Y/N knew her ever since she joined this school but since Y/N has trust issues she never talked to anyone and she isnt sure if its just an act or if they really care.

A/N: you may ask "why did the lady said that"? well its because Y/N has been told she was to fat and should loose some weight and the lady is really caring but she cant do anything other than being suportive but for Y/N... she takes it as if it was meant to be sarcastically.

Y/N got to a seat in a cornor of the cafeteria where she could eat without getting noticed. She saw how the cafeteria was getting filled with laughter and people but she didnt care enough and just ate her food all alone. Then she noticed something the cafeteria was getting silent so she looked up from her food and saw jin and his brothers standing on the door walking in the cafeteria. She shrugged and ate her food again.

Y/N pov

I ate my food again after looking at how the cafeteria got silent just because of jin and his brothers getting in. I ate in peace till i couldnt eat more (she ate just a half of her sandwich) I looked up and saw a boy who was looking at me with guilt. I looked at him confused.

He said: Im sorry about my brothers...

I just nod

"Im namjoon btw." He said as if he was scared.

I just nod again and did a gestue with my hands that he should go back to his brothers

Namjoon: Oh thank you and sorry again!" He screamed at her while running to the other half of the cafeteria where his brothers where sitting.

I got up and left the cafeteria just when she walked past the boys table...

Speaker: Y/N, Y/L/N pls come to the principals office

My eyes widdened because now the boys would know my name so i just walked as if the speaker didnt just said my name.

Namjoon pov

I walked back to my brothers table and sat down.

Jin: And did she say anything?

Namjoon: No shes mute remember?

Just then she walked past our table and...

Speaker: Y/N, Y/L/N pls come to the principals office

I was wondering who that girl was but then i saw how that girl stood stil for a moment and walked again... I guess thats her name...

Jungkook: Guys you saw that too right?

We replied with: What?

I know i shouldnt act like i dont know what hes talking about but for my safety...

Jungkook: That girl who walked past our table, the "Mute" girl from earlier.

Suga: Hmm whats with her? "Raises eyebrows"

Jungkook: She stopped when the speaker said that name. i guess we now know the name of our next victim "Smirk"

Namjoon: Guys please dont... I really like her shes i dont know quite nice... (Shit im getting into trouble)

Jimin: Are you serious Namjoon? you like her?

Namjoon: Y-yes "sad tone" So please dont hurt her... "he looked with pleading eyes"

Jin: Fine but only if she never hurts you ok?

Namjoon: I dont think she could ever hurt anyone...

Just then that girl Y/N came in and walked to a table where some girls were sitting. I know one of them i think her name was jennie.

jennie: Oh look its the emotion less girl "laughs"

Y/N grabbed her hair threw her head on the table, grabbed her jaw and death glared her

Jennie: W-what do y-you "cough" want b-bitch?


We were all surprised because Y/N said something and children she has kids or something?

Y/N let her jaw go and was about to go when...

jennie: This is why you and the others dont have a home "laughs"

Y/N turned around standed infront of her and...


Jennie is lying on the floor holding her cheek with her hand and crying

Y/N: let the others out of this

Y/N left again

We all were amazed by her actions and some were shaking

After school

Y/N i was standing at the exit of the school wanting to go home but looks like god has other plans for my life today

Jin: Well well well Youre names Y/N i suppose?

I looked at him with a cold face wanting to go but jimin was standing in my way

Jimin: No need to be so shy cmon just talk we know you can. we heard you in the cafeteria "smirk"

(God i wish i could punch that smirk out of his face) i stayed silent

J-hope: Jesus its taking to long. Ok so we hate liars and since you lied we have to punish you.

I just rolled my eyes

J-hope slapped me. I didnt showed but it hurted.

J-hope: Wow not even crying? Lets see how much you can take "smirks"

(A/N: Ok im writing definetly to much "smirks" :-) But who cares?)

Little note: Namjoon wasnt there so they took the oppornite to hurt her

After some kicks and punches i was lying there unconsious. They were going away but i couldnt see much because my vision got blur.

A/N: guyssss i did it!!!!!!! i did a chapter with 1114 words!!!!!!

anyways thank you guys for reading my book :-)

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