.Our Voice.

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In the dark of night we stood
Placards firmly clutched in shaky palms
Beads of sweat, fountains of tears, drops of blood flowing
While we sang the verses of an anthem our fathers abandoned.

A thousand voices, echoing a song of home
Our feet stamping the ground, marking our last stand
Against men and women of a forgotten era
Against Injustice, Against pain
Against humiliation, Against death.

We sang out for freedom
But in reply
Our brothers in uniform, removed the safeties
And emptied rounds into their kin
While we breathed our last, screaming our pain and toasting our freedom
They looked on from behind the veil, drinking up our cries.

But you cannot silence us now
You will hear our voice again
As one. A hundred. A thousand.
Our voice shall be heard and you old trees shall be uprooted and burnt.

Hear my Voiceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن