Chapter 17- Aragog

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During lunch the next day, Harry called them over again. "Hagrid sent me a letter yesterday. Aragog, his spider friend, died and he wants me to go to it's funeral today."

"He's mental! That creature tried to kill us!! 😣" Ron exclaimed.

"But still, it's Hagrid's friend! I think you should go! You don't want to hurt his feelings!" Steve protested.

"Fine then you come with me! See how crazy it is! What if there's other spiders there?" Ron rebutted.

"Ok! We'll come too! When is it?" The triplets agreed enthusiastically.

"Harry, shouldn't you focus on getting the memory from Professor Slughorn? Dumbledore said it was important!" Hermione lectured.

"What memory?" asked Sapphire.

"It's nothing!" Harry quickly said.

"But it's clearly something," Star pointed out. "Because Hermione's bothering you about it."

"We're your friends too! How come you always keep secrets from us?" Sapphire frowned. The Golden Trio gave each other a look that said 'should we tell them?'

"Now you're the ones who're staring at each other. Funny!" laughed Star, "And now we also know that there really is something! And we're not going until you tell us! And neither are you!" Star said, moving to block the staircase. She added a curse to it so that if anyone tried to leave, they would pop right back as if there was a wall.

Hermione gave Harry a look that said 'go on then.' Ron whimpered slightly, also looking at Harry. Harry sighed, "So, in Dumbledore's office, he asked me to get a memory from Slughorn. It's important, since it's about Voldemort. It seems that Slughorn taught Voldemort something. But Slughorn tampered with the memory so now, Professor Dumbledore asked me to get the real one. But the thing is, he won't give us the memory. I told Dumbledore I couldn't do it. He just ignored that and said I needed it for future lessons."

"Oh. OH! Harry! If he won't give it to you, you can use the Luck potion!" Harry pulled out the small bottle of gold potion.

"You mean this? I don't know..." Harry wondered.

"It'll work! We know it will!" encouraged the trio.

"Alright then. Anyone want to come with me?" asked Harry

"I'll go!" Star volunteered.

"Me too!" yelped Sapphire.

"Don't forget about me!" called Steve. Harry looked at them, half amused and half surprised.

Then he nodded and announced, "Alrighty! We'll meet at dusk. What should the plan of meeting up be?"

"So first, Star's gonna pick up Sapphire-" Steve started.

"-and she's gonna make us invisible-" Sapphire interjected.

"-then we're gonna go to the Gryffindor place to get Steve and Harry-" Star continued.

"-and we'll go to Hagrid's all together!" they all finished.

"When do we meet up with Harry and Ron?" Star asked.

"Hmmmm...maybe at 6? Or maybe 9." answered Steve.

"And where? The Gryffindor common room?" Star continued.

"Yeah, I guess so." Sapphire replied.

"Ok, see you! And we'll meet at 8, in front of the Gryffindor common room." Harry waved, and left.

A few hours later, they met up as planned. Harry told the trio that Ron wanted to go to bed early. "He's probably just scared," Harry muttered. By now, Steve and Sapphire were able do the invisibility charm with practice. After they met, the five set off to Hagrid's hut on the grounds, Harry confidently striding in front of them. They found Slughorn in the greenhouse.

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