The truth comes out

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Tuesday morning before they had to meat to walk to school Lily went around to Max's apartment and knocked on the door. Max answered the door. Lily barged in and said "We need to talk about what happened between us."

""I thought we had talked about it already. What is there else to talk about?"

"I can't do it."

"Keep your voice down my little sisters still in bed. And you can't do what?"

"I can't keep lieing to him. He knows somethings happened i don't know how but he does. He came around to mine Monday night and started saying he thinks me and you have a thing together."

"So. We have. We can't keep hiding our feelings for each other."

"There's nothing between us there will never be anything between us. You don't understand. I love Lewis not you." Lily began to shout.

"OK, Lily calm down. If you have a problem with it all then just tell him. He would feel better that you told him."

"I don't know. What if he lashes out at me or hurts you. Then i would be held responsible."

"I can look after myself just tell him if it will make you feel better." He said as he hugged her to calm her down.

"OK." Lily said with shame in her eyes.

That weekend after questioning herself if she should or shouldn't say anything all week she finally decided that she had to do the right thing. So on Sunday afternoon Lily went over to Lewis' apartment. She walked in and sat on lewis' sofa. They where all alone in the apartment together.

"Are you OK Lily you seem upset?" said Lewis with a worried look on his face.

"I need to tell you something and you need to promise me not to freak out when i tell you cause this is really had for me to tell you."

"Lily you are starting to worry me. What's wrong?"

Lily took a deep breath and said with a quaky voice. "You know the other night when you came around to mine and you asked if me and Max had a thing. Well... "

"No. No." Said Lewis as his eyes began to fill with tears

"We kissed... But it meant nothing. I love you not him it's always been you." She said as she began to cry.

"How... How.... How could you! I thought we had a strong relationship together and you go and do this to me." Lewis began to cry then the anger began to boil up inside him. "I'll... I'll kill him i can't believe he's done this i knew he was bad news all along. Ever since he came here. But you! How could you fall into his trap."

"I... I'm sorry. After i hated myself for it but i didn't want to tell you but it was eating away at me everyday."

"I need to take a walk to clear my head."

"Wait no! Can't we just talk about this."

"OK. OK lets talk about it." He slammed the door. "Was he good?"

"What do you mean? " said Lily

"You said you wanted to talk about it. So let's talk. Was he a good kisser?"

"I... i....."

"I...... i......" Lewis said mockingly "Did you think about me while you had your lips smushed against his face!"

"Of course i thought about you and how you would react if it carried on. Iwasn't going to tell you but it was eating me alive. I need you to understand how hard this is for me and how much i didn't want to tell you but i knew i had to. You might not think it now but i did the right thing telling you instead of keeping it a secret."

"OH ye this must be so hard for you. Your not the one being told that the only person you've ever loved has kissed the one person that you despise." Lewis turns to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find your new boyfriend!"

"What? I'm not your girlfriend anymore?"

"You really think that i could still be your boyfriend after this. forget it its over! I'm going to find that idiot" He said as he walked out the door.

"No!" Lily said as she chased him out the door.

Lily chased Lewis up the stairs up to Max's apartment. Lewis banged on the door and Max came and opened it. Lewis grabbed hold of his top with aggression and pulled him into the corridor against the wall.

"HEY, HEY! What do you think you are doing?" Max said with fear in his eyes.

"Who do you think you are kissing Lily." Shouted Lewis to Max as he punched him in the face.

"Stop Lewis. Stop. Get off him." Said Lily trying to pull Lewis off of Max. Lewis looked at them both with disgust on his face.

"You know what. You two deserve each other!" Shouted Lewis as he turned away to walk off but then he turned back around and he punched Max in in the face one last time but this rime he fell to the ground. Then finally he stormed away back to his apartment.

Lily fell to the floor to see if max was of. She picked him up and took him inside his apartment.

That night after lily had wiped away the blood from Max's face she went home to her bedroom and cried. Meanwhile Lewis was at home crying on his bed when suddenly his sister walked in and hugged him to comfort him.

The two of them where officially broken up and their friendship was once and for all ruined maybe forever.

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