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 I want to dedicate this to everyone from Camp New Friends-the camp for people with Neurofibromatosis. They are my family now and upon hearing about my book, they were excited and supportive. If I can, I'd give them all free copies upon its publication. My NF family helps me to remember that I am not the only one with this condition and that I can always turn to them if I feel alone or upset. Thank you NF family. You are all beautiful people. Don't ever stop fighting.

 Warning: SELF-HARM ACTIONS AND MENTIONS. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS WILL OCCUR LATER IN THE NOVEL. A TRIGGER WARNING WILL BE PLACED IN EACH CHAPTER WHERE THIS OCCURS. Also, mild language and violence. Read at your own risk and if this is triggering, please don't read. I'd rather keep you safe then have my story damage your mood and possibly your life.

 Ava Anderson's life is far from normal. She is stuck with one leg because of her genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis that causes tumors to grow along the nerves. She has been stuck in the Special-Needs class since sixth grade even though she is intelligent and independent.  Every day Ava recieves stares because she looks different. Fortunately, she has her best friend Jerry and fellow classmates who are always by her side, and who also understand the rude people and emotional pain handed to them on a daily basis. She knows for sure that without them she'd be dead by now.

 However, Ava's ninth grade year promises big changes. And these changes are far from great. The bullying worsens, and Ava finds herself losing people she loves dearly, as well as facing the ones who left her in the past. Ava has always handled her depression and the taunts thrown at her well, but will this year be too much? Will she continue to withstand the hurt and bullying, or will the monster deep inside her-caused by society-finally make her break? ©2012-2013 by Liza K, all rights reserved

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