He asks you out

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I was standing in front of Aslan, engaged in conversation with him when I suddenly heard someone clear their throat behind me. 
I turned around and saw Peter standing in front of me. "May I have a word alone with you?" He looked nervous.

Nervous? The mighty High-King Peter Pevensie the Magnificent was nervous?!

Confused, I turned to Aslan, who nodded, meaning I was released.
"Of course," I then answered his question, turning back to the blonde boy who began leading me away. I followed him, curious about what would come next.

Peter led me to a secluded corner in the castle.
When he stopped, I leaned against the wall and looked at him. "What is the matter, my king?"
I asked with a grin on my lips.
Peter looked around, probably to make sure no one was listening.
"I've been watching you today. You fought well today," he then spoke when he turned back to me, flashing me one of his rare smiles.
I tilted my head, now completely confused. Since when did he compliment people?
"-thanks..." I spoke after a moment of silence but I didn't sound convinced at all,  "...you too?" I then added, cocking my head.
Peter straightened his back but I noticed that he was quiet tense. And for once, he seemed as if he was at a loss for words.
Then, after a while he suddenly seemed to have found his voice again.

"Would you like to ride out with me tomorrow?...Maybe?" 

Slowly I began to see what he was getting at.
"Are you asking me out Peter?" I asked, a smug smirk on my face. Now Peter seemed to have fully returned to his normal self. He stuck his chin out.
"I may am."
Rolling my eyes, my grin grew wider. "Well; if that's the case, my answer is yes."
Peter looked up in surprise. "Are you serious?"  I nodded. "You didn't have to wait a thousand years either."
I then pushed past him.  "So tomorrow noon. I'm looking forward to it."
Smiling widely, I ran towards the gardens to tell Susan about everything that just happened.

At that moment Edmund came around the corner. He saw his brother leaning against the wall, grinning like an idiot.
"Did you finally ask her?" "Uh-huh."  "Well, what did she say?" Peter straightened his back and put on a proud expression. "As expected, she said yes." 
Edmund rolled his eyes. His brother really could be quite cocky.


I sat under a tree and stared at a large lake. I still couldn't believe Narnia existed.  Looking up to the sky, I recalled the recent events. It all happened so quickly.
I found out that Edmund never lied when he told me abou that wonderous world called Narnia. And now I was in Narnia myself, together with the Pevensies. And even weirder: I am a witch that apparently lived in Narnia before vanishing into thin air.

The bad thing was that I didn't even get the time to adjust to this knowledge before a bunch of lunatics attacked us.
Edmund saved my life in the battle against Miraz.


Now that I kew that he told me the truth about Narnia all along, I saw him with different eyes.
How sorry I felt for not believing him earlier.

Suddenly I heard a branch crack behind me and when I turned around, I saw the boy I just thought about walking towards me.
Speaking of the Devil.

"May I sit down?"  He asked me politely. Of course, I nodded. After having joined me under the tree, he sighed.
"Look, I know you found me strange-" he began, causing me to chuckled softly. "A little, yes. I mean who believes in a world in a wardrobe?"
Edmund looked at me with a grin. "Well you certainly do now, don't you?"  "Yes." I looked at the lake. again, smiling to myself.
We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Well, I didn't find you strange back then in London," He spoke again after a while, making me look up at him again.
"The truth is, you stood out to me since we first met. I wanted to ask you earlier, but I knew you would say no-" He paused and took a breath.  I stayed silent and waited.
"Well. Now you know that I was telling the truth and that Narnia wasn't made up. And I was hoping that maybe you don't find that me strange anymore?" He sounded almost hopeful.
I smiled and looked at the floor.  "Of course not. I mean I'm a witch - apparently - my worldview had changed quite a bit."  Edmund snorted out a laugh at my comment. But quickly, he became serious again.

"Would you like to go out with me?" He then suddenly spoke so quickly that I barely could understand him. He looked at me hopefully.
I tilted my head, dumbfounded. His words were very surprising to me. But I couldn't say that it wasn't a pleasant surprise...
"Yes! I would love to!" I then spoke after having collected my thoughts again.


You've always been together somehow, which is why Caspian never had to ask you

𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖆 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 & 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang