Newest to the game .. kinda

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After talking to a few fellow noobs in chat now and looking at some things in the shop, I couldn't help but be grateful that I had spent money on some things the year before. So I wouldn't entirely look like the rest of the restarters. I came across this one person in chat now. She seemed very friendly and sweet. But lowkey, I was getting some warrior vibes from her. I thought she looked cool, but she was hella short. Besides her, there were about 3-4 other people in there. Only 2 of them talked and I was too busy reading everyone's bios.

(In the chat)
"Heyyy" said this cool female.

"Alize be my gf" one of the boldest noobs said.

Now he really was a noob. Like .. dude didn't even change out the default clothes. But I gave him some credit. A lot of guys don't have the balls to do stuff like that, but is always ready to flash money and guns in a camera- like they gon bust somethin.

", no 😂" she said.

She moved over behind the counter in the shop. I was in the chair closest to her and moved the camera around to get a better look. This woman was so short, it made it funnier. I thought of so many crazy things to say to her about her height , if we ever became friends.

"Soo... do y'all talk, or y'all just screen watchin ? .. or y'all don't care what I'm saying ?? 🤣😗 " I had said, mainly to start a conversation since it was pretty dead in there.

(In the chat)
"Hii" this girl said again.

"Hey lmaooo" I said.

"Wyd? " she asked, as she moved to the seat next to me, that was placed in the corner of the shop.

"Breathing wbu?— oh and I'm Skylar 😎"

"I'm Alize and same 😂 wanna be friends? " she said.

I had smiled and felt good to know that I was still able to make friends, even with a busted avi.

"Yeah add me, I'm gonna go eat anyway. Bye "

"Okayy byeee" Alize said. Then before I had time to close out the app, there it was. A notification came across my screen: "Alize 😘💜 sent you a friend request."

After eating a quick bowl of chicken flavored noodles, I gladly got back on IMVU and noticed a series of friend requests and follows. Some of them were from people I never seen in any of those previous chat rooms. I started to add all of them back, since I was below 200 followers anyway. As I started to roam around more, Alize texts me.

(In Messages)
Alize 😘💜: Heyy boo

"Boo"? I thought. I guess that's the new greeting- but just so I wouldn't seem like a slow texter, I replied.

Me: hey what's up?

Alize 😘💜: nm, just bored. Wanna take some pictures or hang out? 💀

Me: I felt that. But yeah, we can lmfao 🤣

I thought this was going pretty well. After she invited me, we got to talking about more ourselves and things we love to do. We took a few pictures and I posted at least two of them. I always ranked on how crazy my avi appeared, but hers looked better.

(In the chat)
Me: why are you so short? 😂

Alize 😘💜: omggg everyone keep asking me that 🤣🤣 Because I love to be short. I never go anywhere without my scalers on

It started with an Avi ...Where stories live. Discover now