Guilt-Trip, Field-Trip

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HOLY CRAP I am so sorry togami was so out of character I'm rereading this and I'll let that slide but I won't let that happen again.
Okay anyways thanks for reading this far.
Also for context, this takes place a few weeks after winter break is over, in a new semester. The dance that they were getting ready for in the last few chapters was an end of year dance. They are now in eleventh grade (because I think that's how japan grading works? I don't know. I'll assume high school is 10-12.)

  I sluggishly marched towards the airport check in station with the rest of my classmates, dressed in a t-shirt with some movie quote and jeans. I had a mask over my face simply because my allergies were acting up this morning, but I took some Claritin a little while ago so I should be back to normal soon.
The majority of us seemed as sleepy as I did, but there were a few, such as the athletes and people with according talents that were used to getting up this early. It was barely even five.
"Asahina-San, you need to be the surrogate peppy person for the rest of us so I can go back to bed."
The voice came from Mondo, who seemed that he stayed up too late again, probably doing something stupid. I'm surprised, with a roommate like Ishimaru he should have gotten plenty of sleep, since his lectures usually put me to bed. Speak of the devil, Ishimaru started another one about safety in numbers and making sure to get on the plane as soon as our number is called. We had predetermined partners to board the plane with, stay with until we get to our hotel, where we will be combined with two other groups, and search around Okinawa, our destination with. We could split up with the group, but never with our partners.
Guess what partners were based on?
Our roommates.
After dealing with all the security and check in and stuff, we waited for a while, boarded the plane, and next thing I know I had the ultimate prodigy just a few inches away. He had pretended as if what happened never happened, and told me to do the same. It was something about "I shalt never deal guiltily fueled desires unto this plane of existence ever again. Farewell, my moon flower."
Except he didn't speak like a Shakespeare character.
It was more or less an elaborate shut up.
I really didn't want to deal with a two hour plane ride in silence, so I looked over, opened my mouth, but was promptly responded with a "No," before even saying anything.
His eyes turned back to his novel.
This would be a long ride.
After a while I got up to use the restroom, but on the way back there seemed to be a little bit of turbulence.
I found out the hard way, as I fell onto an unamused Byakuya, who just kept reading his book.
I quickly rearranged myself on my own chair and looked the other way, blushing madly.
After a while I decided to tap him on the shoulder and whisper the fact that we should talk, because I was absolutely sure something happened over winter break but I didn't know what. He ignored me, so I gave up.
I tried again and again, on the bus to the hotel, as we ate lunch, unloading our belongings, but he changed the subject to "get back to work." A half a day had passed and zero progress. Actually, I'd never tried before because I didn't feel like it would be safe to talk about back in the dorm room. Being in a completely different space made it feel like it was a lot safer to pry information out of him.
Dinner, conversations, and finally,
Bath time.
Great, all the boys in our grade in an onsen, naked. I could care less about them, but Byakuya is a boy in our grade.
I care about him.
I looked around at my roommates, which was Byakuya, Mondo, Ishimaru, Leon, and Yasuhiro. Hifumi wasn't able to attend because, frankly, he didn't care, and a comic convention was happening this week. The trip would only last five days, including today and our departure.  The girls had to get a larger room since they had eight compared to our measly six. (In which Mukuro and Junko are two separate people and attend class normally)

We waited for everyone to finish getting ready before heading to the onsen, having the whole place to ourselves. Leon and Yasuhiro did normal high schooler-shenanigans like splashing water around and holding their breaths underwater, but Kiyotaka stepped in to set them in line before getting too rowdy. I was sitting in the back, leaning on a strategically-placed rock which was actually quite comfortable. I kept my head up because Byakuya was standing rather close, and I'd rather not have him think I'm peeking or anything.

"Say, Togami-Kun. Are you alright?"
He scoffed, leaning back with both arms on the back of his head.
"What do you mean, I'm always alright. It takes quite a bit to break me."
"I just mean, did anything happen over break? You seemed to be angry when you were on the phone with your parents."
He tilted his head towards mine.
"I didn't know you had heard that. It's nothing to worry about, think about yourself."
"I think about you anyways, whether or not you tell me not to."
He sighed, putting a finger over his mouth in a "hush!" Symbol. "We'll talk later."
He stood and departed to dry off, leaving me alone.
He's pretty.

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