first words

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Asahi was sitting at home in his room, working on his homework when he noticed something on his wrist. He was taken aback a bit. He didn't remember writing anything on his wrist. So why was there something there? Did he write something and forget? Or is he imagining things. In disbelief, he rubbed his eyes and looked at his wrist. Yep, definitely not imagining things. He looked at it. It was two words. Two words he knows he didn't write there. The handwriting, while legible, was messy. Definitely not his. In fact, it looked sort of childish. It read, "Hi there!" He was confused for a minute. 'Who wrote this on me?' he thinks to himself. Then it hit him.

This was his soulmates handwriting. 

Asahi froze when he realized what this meant. He dose have a soulmate. He dose have someone who was made for him. Someone to always be there for him. A smile crept across his face. He didn't even try to stop it. He was really happy, but also freaking out. He didn't know what to say. dint know what to do. He decided to call up Daichi, and see what he thought he should say. He picked up after 2 rings. "Hello?"

"DAICHI! HELP ME!!!" He yelled into his phone. He didn't yell too loud, but loud enough to get his point across. 

"Okay okay, what's going on?"

"My soulmate wrote to me!"

"WHAT?!" He understood now why the other was freaking out. They both really thought he had no soulmate. Now his soulmate is writing to him. "WELL DONT JUST SIT THERE! SAY SOMETHING TO THEM!"


"Okay lets calm down for just a minute."

"Alright." they take deep breaths. "Okay, what should I write?"

"Just say hi."

"R-Right!" Daichi hung up, and Asahi picked up a pen oh his desk, and put it towards his skin. He remembered the times he did this before. He wondered why his soulmate couldn't reply all those times before, but it didn't matter now. They were talking to him now. To him that's all that matters. He wrote a simple,"Hi" onto his skin. He was nervous, since he didn't know what exactly he would get as a reply. 

"how are you?" the mystery persons handwriting replied. 

"I'm doing good, thank you. How are you?"

"Im doing great! a little scared though."

"Whys that?"

"I'm not supposed to be talking to my soulmate, but I've seen the writing every now and then for a year now. I just wanted to let you know, I didn't want to ignore you for so long." Okay that makes sense. But that tells me that their 17, since they've been seeing it for a year. They started writing again. "But my parents are out tonight. But I'm still a little scared that they'll find out." 

"Well, you don't have to share anything your uncomfortable sharing! I wont force you." They didn't reply for a minute. But when they did, this 

"I wont make you answer anything you don't want to either. But I do want to get to know you."

"Okay then! Its fine with me." We spent a few hours getting to know one another. If one of us asked something too personal, we would say so, and move on to the next question. things like names, and family were avoided, along with the town name we live in. I accidentally let it slip though that I go to kurasuno. My soulmate said that they also go to kurasuno. But since we said what school we go to, we then didn't feel comfortable telling what clubs we were in. 

These are things I found out about my soulmate. 

my soulmate is male. He has 2 best friends who he hangs out with almost every day. apparently the trio is chaotic, but fun. He's bisexual, and has one piercing in his right ear, and two in his left, but rarely wears the earrings. (We decided to say something random about ourselves. That's what he said.) He also plans on possibly getting one on his tongue and a nose ring. Oh! also he's a second year.

He seems interesting. The image I'm getting in my head right now, is a boy, whos around 5'9 or 5'10 who has piercings and two friends always by his side. He didn't mention anything else. But he seems like the type of guy most people would get the wrong impression of at first glance. 

But who is he?

okay about the earrings in case your curious. I have a head cannon, that noya likes piercings, and has some. He has a cousin who works at a tattoo shop, and for his birthday in his first year of middle school, his cousin did them for him. His parents are perfectly fine with it, and even signed the paperwork for her to do it. He loves his piercings, and wears them quite a bit at home, but finds they sometimes get him funny stares. He decided to play a little game. He's seeing how long it takes until the team finds out about them by themselves. The only ones that know about his piercings are tanaka, and hinata. 

he plans on getting more when he's out of high school, since his parents are making him wait until then to get a nose ring or tongue stud.

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