The Meet

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Tommy's POV

Tubbo and I just finished putting out one of the many trees that were set on fire. I bet that bastard Sapnap did it knowing his love of flames. I pick up the water bucket that I set on the ground and looked over at Tubbo, "Tubbo, let's go to the tree Y/n wanted us to put out!" I yelled over the flames and ran where Y/n was last. Tubbo followed behind and he put out the tree while I was looking for Y/n. I looked past the burning flames as best as I could to try and make out a figure of Y/n. My attempts to seek her out failed, I couldn't find her, that was the weird part. "Tubbo, where's Y/n?!" I screamed out and put out a bush while scouting out for Y/n. I set my bucket down on the ground. Tubbo did the same as me and we both headed towards a direction. "TOM-" Someone screamed. My eyes widen "Tubbo!" I yelled out knowing that it was Y/n who yelled that. We both headed towards the direction of the scream "Tommy!-" "SH" I cut off Tubbo and started to look around for her silently.
No ones POV

Y/n's eyes widened as she realized the person she tackled to the ground was her old distant friend, Sapnap. He was surprised to see Y/n again as well. Once Y/n was out of shock she went to yell out to get her friends attention. "TOMM-'' Y/n's scream was cut short by Sapnap who covered her mouth and hid behind a cluster of trees. Y/n tried her best to get him off but Sapnap simply put all his strength in making sure she wouldn't move. Y/n decided to quit struggling as she heard Tommy and Tubbo pass the area they were in. "Tommy lets head back and tell the others! Quick!" Tubbo shouted at Tommy before running out of the forest. Tommy groaned in annoyance and ran after him. When they were long gone Sapnap removed his hands from my mouth. Before I could do anything he pinned my wrists together so I couldn't hit him. "Y/n, this would be easier if you wouldn't attack me or anything." Sapnap said in a quiet tone. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed. "Who is this?" a voice said behind Sapnap. Y/n looked at the shadowy figure who was closing near them. They had a mask on with a smile on it. Y/n looked back at Sapnap with eyes pleading to let her go. Sapnap huffed out and let go, "An old friend of mine." Sapnap said. Y/n rubbed her wrist that now had red marks on them. "Ally?" The stranger asked Sapnap while putting his hand on the handle of his axe. Sapnap couldn't find the right words to say "Don't kill her." He finally muttered out. The stranger's hand didn't leave the axe which caused Sapnap to step in front of Y/n in defense. Y/n shoved Sapnap out of the way and stepped forward to face the stranger. Sapnaps eyes widened in surprise, "Y/n-" Sapnap said before he was interrupted "So that's your name?" The stranger said. Y/n's eyes narrowed at the stranger. The stranger smiled, "I'm Dream." The stranger announced before taking out his axe. Y/n's took a cautious step back and took out her shield and sword. Dream smiled at her instinct then slashed at her. Y/n was able to dodge the axe, Dream swung again at her opposite side and she clashed his axe with her shield. "Dream! Y/n!" Sapnap yelled out. They ignored his calls. Dream tripped Y/n taking her by surprise, before she could attempt to regain her balance Dream yanked his axe that was stuck in her shield and brought his axe and the shield back to him. Dream turned his axe around and hit the shield back down from the handle. Dream raised his axe and swung it over his shoulder before striking it down. A sword clashed with Dreams. Y/n's eyes look towards the person who stopped the attack. "Wilbur!" Y/n exclaimed out before getting back up. Tommy dragged her towards him and Tubbo. Tubbo looked at her wounds that she may of had. He only saw a few scratches on her leg. "Dream." Wilbur said coldly. "Wilbur." Dream revoked back. Another person walked up from behind Dream "Let's go back." the person said before throwing an ender pearl. I ran towards them and was only able to slice off a bit of Sapnaps shirt. "Maybe next time sweetheart" Sapnap teased before his body turned into purple particles and disappeared. Y/n stared at the piece of white cloth she had in her hand and she clenched her fist "That idiot.." Y/n mumbled to herself. Wilbur put a hand on Y/n's shoulder in an act of comfort. "Will..." Y/n whispered, looked back at Wilbur. "Where's Phil?" Y/n asked, brushing the dirt off of her back. "Why?" Wilbur asked, backing up, "I need to talk to him." Y/n simply said. "I don't know for sure, I'll tell you as soon as I know." Wilbur stated before taking off his hand from Y/n's shoulder. "Make sure you stay safe, I'm going to be making potions to get ready for war" He said, finishing the conversation before walking away and out of the forest. Y/n simply stood there still looking at the place Sapnap once stood.
Tommy came behind Y/n and looked at the direction she was gazing at. He simply let a sigh out "Come on Y/n, we dont have time to sulk around like this. We need to get to work so we can win this war and our freedom!" Tommy said trying to get her mood up, "Remember what you told me? You told me you were going to show how much better you are than me at PVP!" he shouted out. Y/n's thoughts cleared as she heard the last sentence Tommy shouted out, "And Im not going back on my word, im going to show you whos the real powerhouse!" Y/n said in a challenging tone. Tubbo simply laughed at the two, "Lets hurry and put out as much fire as we can!" Tubbo yelled out reminding everyone that there is still a fire spreading. 

Sapnaps POV

        It was her. It really was her. I never thought that I'd see her again after this whole separation thing. I wish that we didn't meet each other in that situation, a more calming situation would've been better then what did happen. I averted my attention to a door that was being cracked open by a familiar face.. or rather mask. Dream entered the room and closed the door behind him, he leaned against the wall near the door and simply stared at me as if I knew what he was going to say. "What?" I said out loud not being patient enough to wait for him to speak. "Who was the girl we met back there." Dream asked, looking down at his shoes. "I thought you already knew who she was, her name is Y/n'' Sapnap answered. "That wasn't my question, I already know her name, but who IS she." Dream repeated again with a more demanding and threatening tone. "She is a distant friend of mine. An old friend of mine if I must add." Sapnap replied, answering with Dream's wanted answer. "I want her dead." Dream simply stated before leaving the room without another word being said. 

A distant friend... (Sapnap X reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now