Hackers in elite

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Ayer en el directo de luh el 12/12/20 dos hackers entraron al server. Según rich hackearon al whitelist para entrar. Todos los que estaban en elite estaban confusos asta que ellos espesaron a hablar en ruso. Ellos estaban preocupados or el server. Nuestro admin favorito fue a intentar detenerlos pero fue en vano casi lo matan. Mientras luh hablaba con rich y el chat diciéndole que cerrará el server. Se teoriza que son fans de dream porque buscaban desesperadamente a ElRichMC pidiendo venganza. Ahora se confirmó que eran pranks de rich y farfa

Yesterday on the live of luh on 12/12/20 two hackers entered the server. According to rich, they hacked the whitelist to enter. Everyone in the elite was confused until they spoke Russian. They were worried about the server. Our favorite admin went to try to stop them but to no avail they almost killed him. While luh was talking to rich and the chat telling him to close the server. It is theorized that they are dream fans because they were desperately seeking ElRichMC for revenge. It is now confirmed that it was just a rich and farfadox prank not real.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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