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                I woke up to the beautiful sound of my obnoxious ringtone, vibrating my phone off of my nightstand. I wanted to sink deeper into my soft bed and ignore it. I peek up towards the ceiling. Immediately, I was blinded by the sunshine peeking through my white curtains. That’s one thing about me, I like living in black and white. It’s my favorite combination. You could call it a fascination. That’s why I was so glad when my band, The Neighbourhood, agreed on having all of our photos and recordings in black and white. It was original, our own trademark.

                I checked who could possibly be calling me, but was excited to find that it’s my buddy and fellow band member Zach.

                “Why are you calling me NOW Z-man?” I knew Zach hated my nicknames for him, but I hated that he called me this early.

                “What do you mean? Where are you? And what did I tell you about calling me that Jesse?” I chuckled into the phone.

                “Yeah, I know. But really, it’s way too early for this. It’d better be a fuckin' emergency. I’m still in bed, I’m not even dressed yet--”

                “You’re still in bed?! What the hell? It’s five in the afternoon Jesse! Everybody else is ready! What, did you forget?” I can hear quite a few voices that I can’t quite make out in the background. But mostly, I can hear the panic in Zach’s voice, and I’m not even sure what’s wrong.

                “Whoa, calm down! Forget what?”

                “The party? Forget the party? Don’t tell me you forgot the party?”

                I completely forgot. Our manager is throwing us a huge party to celebrate the release of our new EP, entitled “I’m Sorry”. All of the big names in alternative, rock, and even hip-hop will be in attendance, and we’ll be expected to play for them. If we do well, we can get signed to someone’s label, and really take off. Of course, none of that will happen if the lead singer never shows up.

                “Oh man Zach, I’m so sorry, I’m getting up right now.”

                “Hurry up buddy, it’s almost sundown already! Meet us at Topper’s at 6. We’ll go to the party right after.”

West Coast-- A Jesse Rutherford FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now