unnecessary drives

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It's 8:30 am and a lazy arm is trying to find the buzzing phone to hit snooze on his phone to stop the non-stop beeping. The brown messy mop of hair pops out from under the blankets, and a pair of beautiful blue eyes open looking towards the window where it's sunny and bright outside. A tired boy walks to the washroom where he runs a hot shower and steps inside. 20 minutes later he comes out of the shower, dressed in sweats and an Arctic Monkeys hoodie, and walks down the steps of his childhood home.

It's been 18 days since Louis moved back into his family's home in Doncaster where his mom and sisters live. He loves being home really! But misses the busy city and always having somewhere to be. He misses seeing his friends and going to clubs and bars at night. He misses the feeling of having a real purpose and something to go out and do every day.

As his thoughts flood his brain of how horrible life is going right now, his sister Phoebe comes running towards him holding a plate of hot pancakes.

"Good morning Louis! Mum made pancakes as she used to on Sunday mornings when you still lived here!"

This was something Louis missed while being in London though, homemade meals by his amazing mother.

"Hey sleepyhead, you're awake earlier than usual, how did you sleep?" Jay, Louis' mum, asks with a smile.

"Uh, fine. Just thought I could start a routine or something to get back into life you know?"

"Awh okay love, come eat breakfast with your sisters. I have to run to the grocery store to get some chicken for dinner. Love you all to bits" Jay says kissing all 4 of them on the top of the head.

Truth is Louis enjoyed being around his sisters, it's been so long since he's been home for a long time. He always got along with Lottie the best, probably because they were closest in age, but lately since she was beginning university, he's been spending a lot of time with Felicite who has a real adventurous spike to her, which is exactly what Louis needs right now.

"Hey Fizzy, what are you planning on doing today?"

"Walking Phoebe and Daisy to grandmas and then going to study for my tests this week, why?" Felicite answers while taking a bite of a syrup soaked pancake.

"Just wondering," Louis said, disappointed. He's been wanting to go for another drive like they did the 6th day he was home. It really helped get his mind off everything.

Louis desperately wanted an escape from all the thoughts that would run through his head. He wanted to just run away from them for long enough to forget all the shit going on. But being the babysitter to two 10 year olds for the last week is not what he exactly had in mind. All he wanted was to forget the last 3 months of his life, and never experience such horrible things as he did. He wanted to feel happy again and not so worried that everything he did was not enough, that he was not enough. This endless cycle of horrible memories from what he went through was enough to drive him to the edge of everything.

You're probably wondering what happened for Louis to be staying back in his family home & feeling this depressed. Basically, Louis is a songwriter, he's travelled a few times from London to L.A to write for all different kinds of artists. He was in L.A writing a few songs for various artists, and when he returned home he caught his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend.

Louis arrived one night early to surprise her for their anniversary, but instead of walking into their apartment to give her flowers, tickets to a Robbie Williams gig, and a special anniversary gift, he was faced with his best friend fucking her on the kitchen table. An awful thing to walk in on, I know. Louis was already dealing with a lot because after meeting with his boss, Simon Cowell, he was getting the feeling he wasn't going to get the credit he deserved for his amazing songwriting. So seeing the two people he was closest with and trusted the most betray him was heartbreaking. Louis tried to talk with his girlfriend but things got violent fast, she started throwing bowls and vases at Louis. She was mad at him for not being there enough for her and not taking her with him on his last 3 trips to L.A and she slowly started realizing she didn't love him anymore. So after Being lied to for months on end by her saying she had appointments or was going to dinner with her friends, Louis should have seen this coming.

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