self obsessed

19 4 32

Meet on the balcony at 12. -H

Louis reads it again & again. What the hell. Harry barely has acknowledged his existence since they met and he receives a random message from him?

"How the fuck did he get my number" Louis mumbles to himself. He guesses Zayn must have given it to him... but why? He looks up at Liam who's grabbing his jacket anticipating that they leave soon.

"Um Payno... did you get any messages from Harry or Zayn today?" He asks.

"Uh, Zayn messaged me this morning asking if we wanted a chauffeur to the party but I said Niall was renting us one so it was all good. Nothing since then why?"

This is very weird Louis thinks. Maybe Harry will finally want to get to know him better. Louis hopes that is what this is all about. He's been trying to make a subtle effort to connect to Harry and maybe tonight's his actual chance, as long as he's not completely wasted by then which he plans not to be.

"Uh just wondering," Louis responds, getting up and turning to get Niall to put some sort of shirt on before leaving, even though he knows he'll leave the party without it.

The three boys, looking amazing, get in the car and drive to Zayn's house for the party. Louis wonders how big his house must be for a party to be thrown there, especially with a large number of people going.

"Lads you're going to fucking love the party, Zayn's house is amazing to party at- He's got a huge ballroom in the center of his home, and honestly it's incredible."

Liam and Louis laugh. Niall is truly the biggest party animal he's ever met. He looks out the car window and his breath is once again taken away by the beauty Italy has surprised him with.

Zayn's house, more like a mansion, has a breathtaking exterior; very obvious an early 1900's design with a rustic victorian edge to it. Lights were shining through the windows, changing colours constantly. You could see the bright lights behind the house illuminating the backyard, the garden surrounding the gorgeous home was full of flowers and well kept bushes. The driveway looped near the entrance of the house, cars lined up dropping guests off who were dressed in beautifully simple yet stunning outfits.

Louis must have his jaw wide open because Niall is laughing his ass off and his baffled expression.

"Mate you seem so in awh, it looks like you just gave birth or something" Niall adds.

"Shut up you idiot," Louis says playfully punching his arm. Liam then begins laughing too.

The car pulls up to the loop that's going around a fountain, and the boys get out of the car, Niall practically racing up the stairs to the miraculous entrance. They walk through doors engraved with beautifully designed glass windows, music getting exceptionally louder as they walk down the king hallway, art covering the walls, entering the next set of doors that lead into the main room.

People are dancing and singing along to the music, at the table area grabbing drinks, swaying their hips to the music. Louis has never been so impressed by a party before. The main room is massive, pillars all around supporting part of the next floor, a huge slightly victorian themed staircase curving the huge dance floor. There are two large doors open towards the back, where you could go outside, and Louis can spot a huge pool and table where people are taking drugs and smoking.

The song changes to 'why'h you only ever call me when you're high' by the Arctic Monkeys, and Louis is filled with a feeling of joy. He takes Niall and Liam's hands dragging them to the floor dancing to one of his favourite songs of all time.

Louis, moving his body to the music, spots Zayn on the staircase and has the urge to go greet him. He makes his way to the stairs and runs up them towards the smiling boy.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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