Prologue: "It's been a year"

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(Meggy's POV)

Every night has been the same.  I lay on my back on the right side of my bed, my hands on my stomach, and I simply stare at the ceiling, motionless until I fall asleep.  Tari has texted me so much that it fucked up my sleep schedule, so I'm usually waiting to get tired for about 6 hours...

Maybe if I respond she'll stop...

Eh, whatever.  What am I gonna say? "I'm fine?" "I'll eventually visit?" "Life is great now?!"

I've already used those excuses on Red...

Each night, all I hear is the stupid town square music, the next-door neighbors fighting, and sometimes the kids on the floor under mine obnoxiously knocking on my door, asking if I'll ever come out.  When all that shit is over, all I hear is the ticking of my slow clock, 1 tick per 1.3 seconds.  Yeah, I calculated how off it was.  I mean what else am I gonna do, train?

That's not really an option anymore...

Tonight the kids will most likely knock on my door again, I'll just tell them to leave like usual...

Tomorrow will be the same as any day, let's just get it over with...

The Next Morning

5 a.m.  That's what I set my alarm to.  Every morning is also the same, I get out of bed put on a change of clothes, walk into the kitchen, get a glass of water from the sink, watch some tv, and wait for Mario...

Mario visits every morning to give me my breakfast.  A bowl of his homemade ramen.  Can't believe he does that for me.  I've never seen him cook ramen before I shut everyone out...

After I finish my food, he always asks if I can make him a cup of coffee.  I asked him why about 4 or 5 times, and each time he just replied with "Because you make the best coffee Meggy!" followed with a thumbs-up.  Yeah, I know it's just an excuse for him to stay longer and keep me company.  Normally I would tell someone to leave if they made an excuse to stay, but I let it slide for Red.  Why? Because he's the only person that doesn't forcefully try to get me out of my apartment or to cheer up.  Something about Red lets me know I trust him.  It's that unlike what anyone else does...

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