Savage Opress Catchup

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How you met:

There was only one thing going on inside my head right now. Shit shit shit shit shit. Narrowly dodging a bullet that flew past my ear, the sound of the crackling almost like the thunder I herd from above.

How did this happen again?

Oh yea I decided to trust fellow bounty hunters. Leaping over the stump I was stopped when you saw them. The night sisters. Cringing when I heard the yelling of Boba from behind yourself. I looked at one of the sisters, "please, if they catch me they'll kill me! I'm just here to find a friend."

The sisters whispered to themselves before Mother Talsen walked out, "who is this friend you speak of."

"Assaj Ventress."

Mother Talsen grabbed my hand and led me being the line of sisters, "do not let the hunters pass."

As I was pulled, I soon was met by more and more sisters, all looking at you as if you were a new toy to play with.

"Assaj is choosing a champion for her revenge on the Count." I nod slowly in understanding, "he's not the best person from what Assaj told me." Mother Talsen shook her head, "he is not."

She opened a door that was carved on the inside of a rock. "Wait here until Assaj comes to greet you," she says before closing the door on me.

I wait for what seems to be hours, then I hear the familiar voice of her. Standing from the small wooden seat I watched as the door slowly opened. We meet eyes and I take a breath of relief, "Assaj!" She smirks and embraces me tightly, "(Y/N) I'm glad you got my hologram." "I am too," I happily say holding her frozen hands.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear footsteps enter behind Assaj. I look up and see a tall man, he's slightly muscular and looking very nervous. I raise an eyebrow at Ventress and she motioned for later, I nod.

"(Y/N) this is Savage," Assaj states, "my champion." He slowly meets eyes with me before turning his head away shyly, making me chuckle. "I'm not sure how much damage this Softie could do," I smile. "With Mothers magic he'll become stronger," she waves off dismissively.

"Well it's nice to meet you Savage," I smile lightly bowing. "As it is you, Mi'lady," he nods his head.

First Kiss:

The light hum of the ship was lulling you to sleep. You sat in the passenger seat of Savages ship. After betraying Count and Assaj mother Talsen sent him on a quest to find his brother, not wanting him to be alone you joined.

The silence that surrounded you was calming and relaxed. He glanced back and noticed your drooping eyelids and dragged pressing buttons. After a minute he stood up towering over you, you looked up only curiosity and sleep in your eyes.

You gave a small yelp as he picked you up, and holding you in one arm. Shyly you looked up at him, noticing that he avoided looking down at you now. "Are you alright?" He nodded softly and moving to the bedroom, "you need sleep."

"But, what about you?" You murmured leaning closer to his heat. "I will get it in time little one," he says warmth blooming in his chest at the sight of you.

You hummed as he payed you down on the bed, "sleep well." She smiled and lazily nodded, "don't over do it, Savy."

He smiled at his nickname and leaned down and kissed her fore head. "You missed," you murmured and grabbing the back of his neck. He raised an eyebrow as she raised up and pecked him on his lips. "That's were you kiss," she hummed before turning over and snuggling further into the blanket.

How they kiss

Dispite what many might think, his kisses are soft and careful

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Dispite what many might think, his kisses are soft and careful. Sometimes he doesn't realize he's stronger that most everyone, and he has hurt you. He hates it, so he always tries to be as dental as possible.


Yours: Little one, and Lothe Cat.

His: Savy, or lover boy

Couple Photo

Favorite place to kiss you

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Favorite place to kiss you

Lower neck/back
He enjoys the way you cackle and squirm when he does it. You reactions are always priceless and makes him smile when you do.

What he's nervous about

He's worried that one day he'll take out his anger on you. All of his frustrations build up, and most of the time he can train and work out all that anger. But the few times he can't he get nervous, that he'll lash out and hurt you.

What he loves about you

That not only are you soft and understanding to him. You can also kick anyone's ass Amy day of the week.

Favorite Disney Princess


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