5 / 1 / 2027

14 1 0

Freddie's P.O. V

It was a day after Mary did her civic duty and it has been rough on the both of us more so on Mary herself.

"Freddie?" Mary called out from her bedroom.

I walked into her bedroom and said. "Yes mistress".

"Can you do me a favor and buy me some pain medication and food from the market?" Mary laid back down.

"Of course darling is there anything else?" I put my hands behind my back.

"No I don't have anything right now but I can buzz you on your watch if I need to" she winced in pain.

"Okay just let me know I won't be long" I smiled softly as I turned to leave the room.

Then shortly after I make my way down to the market and picked up what I needed but, before I left I came across a shop with nursery items in the window.

it makes me wonder about the breeding program. Does the woman keep the offspring or does she give the offspring up? I'd have to ask Mary once I get back.

So I continued my way back to the pod where I walked inside and went into Mary's bedroom where she was crying in agony.

"What's the matter darling? Is it the pain?".

She's nodded as tears running down her face.


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