Little Pieces Of Heaven & Hell

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Bells was off with the Cullens to Montana and the house was too quiet! Not that she was noisy, but I was starting to get used to hearing her humming and pottering around in the kitchen. It just made the house feel alive knowing someone else was there. I'll have to get used to the quiet again when she goes off to college soon, or if things continue with Garrett, moving out completely to live in Forest Grove, Montana permanently.

I was dead beat, having been on the go for three days straight, these killings were strange and unusual in the fact all had complete blood loss. Weirdly in all the counties surrounding us, but not here! Why? I am at a mental standstill with this, so I'm having a break and recoup. I was about to settle in for a bit of sport on the box, when the phone went, Billy called and said if it was a good time he and Harry would pop over. I had many friends on the Rez at La Push, but sometimes the tribal superstitions and blind hatred annoys me.

Take this situation with the Cullens, they won't even use the hospital because Carlisle is a Doctor there. This insistence that they are the Cold Ones from the tribe's history, is ludicrous in this day and age, isn't it? I always try to keep an open mind, but they are starting to get to me, as even I have worries and doubts about them now! Or is it just because my own daughter is close to them now that I am looking closer?


I'm so tired of all this drama, Jake has become unmanageable Sam has him on lockdown, having to use an Alpha command to keep him on the Rez and unphased. The pack are on alert because of all these killings, obviously vampire-related. The visit to the village by Bella's mate was a wake-up call for us, we forget that not all vampires will recognise the treaty. It's causing tension all round and I'm seriously thinking of stepping down in favour of Sam, he's young, fit and better placed to control the tribe than I am.

He's also right Jacob will never be allowed to follow in my footsteps, he's dangerous. There is documented evidence that the phasing can affect the mental health of the shifter. Why this obsession with Bella though? He barely knows her and she certainly isn't his imprint! I know years ago Charlie and I joked that they could marry and then it would keep us all together here in Washington, but it was a pipe dream, never meant to be a reality.

But the boy seems to have fixated on it, thinking now that she belongs to him and the Cold Ones have taken her by force, I am at my wit's end, unable to find a solution. Old Quill, the tribe's Shaman is looking for a remedy, something to stabilise Jake, but I'm not holding my breath. He is also making a potion that will stop him phasing, as a last resort. I just want some peace and quiet for a change, so Harry and I are off to see Charlie and have a few beers.


This place is amazing, calm, peaceful and Cullen free, I love it. Garrett and I had a bite to eat last night, well I did and Garrett made me describe every flavour, how it made me feel and occasionally tasting it. It turned out natural foods, like fruit and raw vegetables, didn't taste as bad to him as the processed or cooked stuff did. That actually made sense when you think about it, it was man that started cooking food, animals eat it as is.

We are going to have a tour around the ranch today with Peter and Charlotte before they return to Forks, Alice has organised a shopping trip for the women, but I think I'll pass. Gone are the days where I blindly do what Alice wants, I think I'll overhaul my room when Garrett and Dad are watching the game. I need to sort through the stuff to leave or take when I leave for college, well I might do a year before the change we'll see how it pans out. Living here with Garrett will be wonderful, he's going to teach me how to ride a horse and I know I won't pick it up as quick as he did the driving.


I've never been one for staying in one place for any length of time, but this ranch is going to change all that, it's a little slice of paradise. The whole feeling of calm and relaxation, is absolutely wonderful, I know Little Swan feels it too, why Jasper didn't want to stay here is beyond me or was it, Alice? That makes more sense, she seems to need stimulation all the time, while the rest of us want to slow down.

Peter and Charlotte are on their way, bringing some horses over for us all, then we're going to survey the ranch and get a feel for what's needed to get it up and running as a proper working ranch once more. I want to make a go of this and maybe one day we'll get a place of our own, money's not an issue I have plenty, It's almost virtually impossible to spend all the money you accrue when you're a vampire, though I hear Alice could probably do it if she was allowed.

Peter and Charlotte don't really like her much and that's the only reason they never pushed Jasper to return, all those years ago when he still would have. I wonder if the Cullens have found Victoria's trail yet, they ain't much good at tracking from what I've seen, I'll probably double-check on Sunday, after my day with Charlie. In fact, they don't seem to have many vampire traits at all, is that the animal blood too? It is really messing with their psyche, that can't be good.


I'm embarrassed to say it but their trackin' skills are shit, Emmett's are at least semi-acceptable, but Edward and Carlisle, dear god almighty! This coven has gone to hell and I can't understand why? There must be a reason, apart from Carlisle, not passin' on vital information and helpin' them to be better vampires, who then pretend to be human. But I'm no better, what help have I given them, apart from a little fight trainin', nothin', nothin' at all! It's as if I had forgotten everythin', slowly over the years my skills have decreased and my interest in fixin' them is also gone.

But why? My phone vibrated on the desk at this thought and I smiled, 'Alice', but no I was wrong it was Peter,

"Ask Bella when she gets back, she's worked it out Major and you'll be surprised!" that was it,

he's a cryptic bastard! But I'll wait, they will be back tomorrow mornin', first thing as Garrett is spendin' the day with Charlie, all the women are goin' shoppin' as well. So that means I could go with Emmett and Edward and see if we can at least get a lead on Victoria for Garrett this century! I'd better let them know.

Riley Biers

"Scout around," she said

"Keep a low profile, they were dangerous", that's a joke surely!

I can't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. They tell the world everything that they're doing and when. They couldn't find a needle in a haystack, I've been here since the red-eyed ones left with the girl, now they are a danger to us, but if they all stick to their plans for Saturday, this should be easy. I need to tell Victoria and pray the dogs keep out of our way.

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