Chapter 1-Collecting the dead (Flashback)

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Previously on Escape the Night...

(If there is no Narrating thing next to someone's name, that means it is noise from the flashback)

Joey(Narrating)-It started with an invitation

Joey:To My esteemed friends...

*A flashback happens to Shane's death*

Joey(Narrating):I unleashed an evil

*Flashbacks happen showing
Justine's, Oli's, Eva's, and Lele's deaths*

*Then it shows the ending of the first season, where Tim, Sierra, and Joey burry an artifact and leave through the big gates just at the crack of dawn*

Sorceress:I invite you all to a Masquerade ball lke no other.


Joey(Narrating):My friends had to pay the price for my mistakes.

*Flashbacks shown are the deaths of the following. Lauren, Andrea, Tana, and Alex*

Joey(Narrating):I thought I had slain the evil...

Liza:Guys, we did it

Joey(Narrating):Only to find it with a new beast.

Joey:To my friends, I'm going to need your help on a dangerous quest, and so are hundreds of others.


*Flashbacks appear on screen again showing Teala's, Colleen's, and Rosanna's Deaths*

Joey(Narrating):So many lives lost...and it's all my fault
What I want is a way to make all the wrongs I did right.

Escape The Night season 4:Re-WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now