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I noticed a buzzing in my pocket, I pulled out my phone and realized that I had 3 missed called from Will and 5 texts. "Shit," I said underneath my breath,  I called him back, he answered almost instantly  "Willow?" "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you?" his tone was laced with anger and worry, "Calm down, I just went into town with Toby and Tommy". 

Will sigh into the phone, "You're supposed to be taking it easy today, you know that" I looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry, I was just bored, I wanted to do something" "I know you like going out and being inside isn't fun especially when others around you are doing things, but you're not like everyone else Willow" "I know" I said softly. 

"You also need to tell me where you're going, you can't just leave and expect me to be okay with it" he continued, "I'm sorry okay?" I was beginning to get frustrated with him, "Okay. Come back to the house please" Will softened his tone,  "Okay, bye" I pressed the red end call button and sigh. 

The boys both had their eyes on me, "Everything alright?" Tommy asked me, I glanced up at him and shrugged, "We need to go back to the house" "Okay!" Toby spoke with a smile. The whole walk back I was silent, I felt a wave of guilt come over me. 

We arrived back at the house and went inside, as I began to go up the stairs Tommy grabbed my hand making my heart flutter a bit, "Are you alright?" "I feel bad," I said honestly, "Why?" "For making you guys come back early, we were having fun and I ruined that" he gave me a soft smile, "Willow, you didn't ruin anything, I promise" he let go of my hand, I sigh, "Okay". 

I went upstairs and closed the bedroom door, I flopped down onto the bed and closed my eyes. My mind began to race, why did he grab my hand? and why did I like it?

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