Draco the boy who had no Choice

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There once was a boy called Draco Malfoy....
Draco was a happy yet lonely boy he had no friends because of his father being a death eater the only person he had was dobby Draco played hide and seek with dobby they became quite good friends dobby told him tails of  the boy who lived on dracos 11th birthday he got his hogwarts letter Draco got excited because he was finally getting to meet Harry Potter the boy who lived Draco imagined him and Harry being friends Draco and dobby talked less dracos father wasn't happy about Draco befriending the house elf as Draco left on the train to go to hogwarts Draco couldn't be happier he thought he's finally going to get friends and meet Harry Potter as Draco arrived he stood in the hallway where he met crabb and goyle they became friends and than Harry Potter arrived draco approached Harry saying so it's true what there saying on the train Harry Potter has come to hogwarts this is crabb and goyle and I'm malfoy draco malfoy as Ron laughed at dracos name draco reply's think my name is funny do you red hair hand me down robe you must be a weasly you'll find some wizarding family's are better than others potter don't want to go making friends with the wrong kinds I can help you there: as Harry looks at Draco he reply's I think I can tell the wrong kinds for my self thank you very much: as Harry walks away draco feels angry/upset that Harry didn't want to be his friend latter that night Draco got sorted in to slytheirn Harry got sorted in to Griffendor As Draco got to his dorm Draco just stared in to the mirror wondering why he wasn't good enough to be Harry's friend Draco still had fun practicing magic and Portions Draco still wondered why Harry didn't want to be his friend Draco approached Harry asking him why don't you want to be friends with me Harry reply's because your a bully malfoy know one wants to be your friend as Harry walks away Draco just stands there as his eyes fill with tears thinking nobody likes him he writes to his mother and father saying.. nobody likes me here I want to come home... few days letter he's father reply's saying Draco of potter would rather be friends with one of the poor weaslys and a mudblood he doesn't deserve to have you as a friend don't let it show it bothers you not being he's friend people with think your weak.. so Draco turns to bullying Harry and he's friends Draco got close to Crabb and goyle they became very good friends they also started bullying Harry Draco didn't really want to bully anyone but as his father said he thought people would think he was weak as Harry got on the Quittch" team Draco got jealous he wanted to be like Harry he wanted to be popular he wanted to be liked  but he never fell good enough" Draco got extremely good at potions and Charms but he always felt like someone was better

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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