This Calls For A Bigger Plan

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        I woke up the next day and tried to move but, couldn't. I turned my head a little and saw that I was laying right next to Dan! He still had his arm around me and he didn't have a shirt on! Oh god if he wakes up he's going to feel terrible. Ok I have to do something to get out of here before he wakes up.

        I tried moving his arm really slowly off of me and then he moved a little and I thought he woke up. He laid his head on my neck and I felt comfortable but, terrible too! I just didn't want him to feel bad when he woke up so I tried again and got his hand off of me. Then I slowly got out of the bed and then he moved again and hugged the pillow. I had to admit he looked kind of cute..........No Leah don't do that just walk away. So I did and I tried opening the door but, it squeaked really loudly and I heard Dan moan and then he started talking.

        "W..........Who's there?"

        "Oh it's just me Leah."

        I shut the door and walked back over to the bed. As I did I pretended like nothing happened and tried putting an innocent smile on my face. Just then he sat up and rubbed his eyes and I saw that his hair was all messy and it made me chuckle a little.

        "Thanks for letting me sleep up here."

        "No problem."

        "Did I uh..........Do anything to disturb you or do anything else like that?"

        "No.........No not at all. It was fine."

        I felt myself start to blush and I tried to stop myself.

        "So we better be going because I think we should make a better plan on what we are doing so whenever you're ready."

        "Yeah I'll be out in a minute."

        "Ok see you out there."

        As I started walking to the door and then I heard Dan get up and he started talking.

        "Actually could you wait for me?"

        "Sure if you want."

        He smiled at me and when he got out from under the covers he grabbed his shirt which had fallen on the floor. He through it in the corner with his pile of clothes that were already there and grabbed a different one and this was the one with the skull on it. He put some more things on and then finally walked over to me and we both left the room. We walked into the kitchen and found Phil with food set up for us.

        "Finally both of you are up."

        "Oh shut up Phil she was waiting for me."

        "Of course she was."

        Dan groaned and we sat down and ate. After we ate we went into the lounge and started talking about what we were going to do to stop this.

        "Alright I think I know what we could try doing."

        "What is your idea since Dan and I don't really think we have good ones."

        "We could just crash one more place and this time we'll find the one who looks the weakest. He or she will probably tell us more about what is going on and of course we have to kill the rest. Does that sound ok to you guys?"

        "Yeah that sounds easy. Which of course it won't be I mean it's vampires."

        "We can do it. Listen to Leah Phil, I mean, all of us together makes a pretty great team. We give each other the strength and courage to do this. Also as we've heard it's gotten worse so we either act tonight or it can get pretty bloody pretty fast around here."

        "That's the spirit Dan! I know we can do this if we stay together because we are great friends, all of us, and nothing can stand in our way."

        "I agree with both of you. We can do this and we will. For humanity and the world!"

        We all laughed and hugged each other. Tonight we were going to get what we needed. This was going to be the end soon enough for these vampires. I felt safe with Dan and Phil and they seemed to be safe around me. It was amazing to meet these two and if we never met the world may have been doomed. But, still if we don't succeed the human race will be gone but, at least we know that we went down with a fight. Either way we would come out fighting and we definitely would come out as a team.


This May Be The End (With Dan and Phil)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن