Pink Diamonds

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Inspo pictures and song at the bottom

btw its not supposed to make any sense lol

It blew smoke in my face, it smelled of peppermint. It made the air feel a bit more crisp. I looked outside. I had never seen trees like this before. They were sad, blue, of what I assumed were leaves that had almost melted off. Another puff of peppermint smoke was in my face. It reached for a button in the vehicle, I don't know why but a needle of fear stabbed me for a moment. Sounds, indescribable sounds played.

Were they even sounds? It turned the volume down a bit. I just noticed the way it controlled the vehicle. The matter that hovered around the mass of its physical existence danced over the flat buttons of the vehicle. The buttons were all slightly different colors from the vehicle.

I looked outside again, we were hovering along a winding line of a white void, about twelve feet across.

It violently swerved to the other side of the white void as a blob of black void appeared in the white. It violently shook me out of my daze. The void of black seeped into the white like it was eating it. The matter hovering around it began to vibrate like the outline of a drawing with a filter on it. The vehicle sped up a bit. I looked around, a full 360., it was dieing.

It sped the vehicle up a bit faster while it blew another puff of smoke in my face. But this time it smelled rotten, rotten peppermint. Like a peppermint patty that was being made while plastic was being burnt. And you had to run because it was toxic. And if you inhaled and it cooled you would get a lining of plastic in your lungs. I imagined all of things in a 60's retro house pre fallout.

We continued driving, the further we got, the more dead everything looked and felt. It eventually became colorless. We stopped. Millions of needles of fear stabbed me and this time they stayed. It opened my door, I got out. I felt my body sink into the white void. I saw every color and ones I've never seen before. I felt my mind, body and soul feel the existence of every single thing around me. I felt detached from everything like I wasn't even matter. Everything morphed in and out of senseless shapes. I saw myself in third person. Even the mass of matter that brought me here, I felt its feelings, it was static. It threw me into a panic. I tried to breath but then it all went black, nothing. I had no body, only a soul. Smelled peppermint again. I heard the sound of rain. I tasted pink diamonds. And now, nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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