Chapter 20: Dates

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The next week was beyond awkward. Fred and I tried to act like everything was normal, but it wasn't. Angelina was all over him, and I tried to act like it was okay, but I didn't want to be around them together. I know it sounds petty, but I was hurt.

Lee, the twins and I were all walking to Potions, and I was talking to Lee, while the twins were talking. "I know you guys are good now, but I think I prefer you two fighting," Lee whispers to me, making sure the twins can't hear it.

"We're fine," I say, plainly.

"Sure," he says. We walked into the class, and we were silent, seeing that Snape was already sitting at his desk, staring us down. I quickly went to my seat, not wanting to deal with Snape's wrath today.

Soon enough Cedric got here, and class began. We were going to make a laughing potion, and it didn't seem that hard. Cedric and I were working together, of course, and we started talking about the Yule Ball.

"I can't believe Fred asked Angelina," he says, and I chuckle, trying too hard not to show that I'm upset. "I always thought he would ask you."

"I guess not," I say. "Who are you going with?"

"Well, I was going to ask Cho, but I found out that she was bullying Luna, and that kind of just isn't cool," Cedric says, and my eyes widen slightly.

"Wow, I didn't expect her to do that," I say, shocked. She seems so sweet. "I guess we both will go alone to the ball."

"How about we go together?" Cedric says. At first I thought, why not, but then I started thinking more.

"You know that's only going to make the speculation of us dating increase," I say.

"Well, we will just go as friends. Plus we know we aren't dating, and we're just going to have fun," Cedric says.

"Alright, why not," I say. He then shoots me a smile, and I decide not to wait for Fred to decide about Angelina. I need to have fun, plus we are going as friends. What can go wrong with that?

Boy was I wrong.

It was currently the next day, and Lee and I were studying in the common room. Or I was studying while he was talking to me about how the new Nimbus 2003 and the new pros of having one.

"Let's be honest, what's the point of autofly," he says, and I go along with him.

"I know right. The whole fun of the game is to get hit with a bludger," I say. George and Fred walked down the stairs from their dorm room, but it was a familiar walk that I did not like.

Fred was storming down, while George was trying to stop him, just like the day when Fred and I got into the huge fight. Uh-Oh. "This can't be good," Lee whispers to me, like he was reading my mind.

"You're going to the Yule Ball with Cedric?" Fred says, confused and angry.

"I am," I simply say, because that was the truth.

"And you didn't tell me?" he asks, and I sigh. This is exactly how it went down last time.

"We are going as friends, it's not that big of a deal," I say, and I was trying to go back to studying but Fred stole the book out of my hands. "Really, we are going to do this again?"

"Yup," he says. "I don't want you to go to the ball with Cedric."

"Since when do you have a say on who I go with," I say, earning an 'ooo' from George and Lee. "Really?" They both pout and walk away. "Why don't you want me to go to the ball with Cedric?"

"I don't trust him," he says, and I laugh.

"That's the reason? You don't trust him? You haven't even talked to him since last year," I say, like he was crazy, because he sure is acting like it. "You're jealous," I smirk.

"I am not," he stutters.

"Sure, you're not. You're mad because I'm going to the ball and it's not with you," I say.

"You know I am going with Angelina," he says, and my smirk changed to a flat line.

"Yes, I do know, so then why don't you want me to go with Cedric?" I ask.

He was silent for a moment, trying to think of the best answer but couldn't find one. "Because I just don't want you to go with him. Is that such a problem?"

"Yes it is. You're my best friend and if there was a valid reason you don't want me to go with him I won't," I say.

"I don't want you to go with anyone," he says.

"You don't have the right to say that," I say, hurt by his words. He asked out Angelina before Cedric asked me. Plus we are friends, I don't really know what him and Angelina are. For all I know they could be snogging behind my back.

"You just said that if I had a valid reason you wouldn't go," he says, and a thought comes to my mind.

"Okay, fine. I don't want you to go to the ball with Angelina," I say.

"Why?" he asks, confused.

"Because I don't want you to go to anyone."

"You can't just say-" he says, and I raised my eyebrow at him. "I hate when you do that."

"No, you hate it when I'm right, and I am right," I say, and he sighs. "I'm excited to go to the ball with Cedric as a friend. I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable with that, but I'm not going to not go just because you don't want me to."

"What if I want to go to the ball with you? Will you go with me then?" he says, which takes me by surprise. If I was being honest, I was thinking about it, but I knew I couldn't do that.

"That wouldn't be fair to Cedric or Angelina," I say, and he runs his hand through his hair in stress.

"I like you, y/n," he says, but I interrupted him.

"But you said that you didn't know how you feel about Angelina. I don't want to date someone who doesn't know if they have feelings for someone else," I say, tearing up a little, but I push them down.

I got up, and grabbed my book that Fred placed on the nightstand and said, "I like you, and I know that, but you need to figure it out if you like me." That was the first time I said that out loud, but I knew it was true. "Good night, Freddie."

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