Combat Pt. 1

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"Introduce yourselves" Commander Erwin demands.

A week ago you and your squad, which consisted of Petra and Annie were just nobodies the city of Shiganshina. Commander Erwin and his survey corps were the ones that found out about the three of you when you showed an impeccable performance at Trost district. You and your squad were by far the most talked about inside the walls because of how good you were at using ODM gear and how quickly you could eliminate each titan.

"Finally someone who can match Captain Levi's energy" You hear someone whisper. You hadn't had a clue who this Captain Levi person was and how he can match my abilities. You only smirk in disgust, annoyed that someone was potentially better than you.

"The name's y/n and these are my squad mates, Petra and Annie." You say almost yawning, bored with all the introductions. You wanted to do some physical stuff like kill titans or explore beyond the walls or maybe even have some training. You hear people murmur after you were done introducing yourself.

More like praising the three of you. You only smirk at how pathetic this was. You wouldn't say you were impressive; these people were just weak.

"Okay, thank you, ladies." Commander Erwin says before facing the scouts. "We will immediately go forth with our training. I'd like everyone to proceed to the field and start with your hand to hand combat skills." He orders

A lot of the survey corps were very much confused why there was a need to have these skills as they were not helpful in killing off titans. You were also confused but didn't complain. You and your squad were trained to never complain since you could walk. It was an insult to where you and your squad came from.

"Come one, girls. Whatever this bullshit is, let's get it over with." You say. They nod in all seriousness and follow you. You hate admitting it but Annie and Petra always thought of you as their leader and big sister. You were the mature and most skilled out of the two.

"Have you heard of Captain Levi?" Petra says. You roll your eyes. "they say he is skilled like you, maybe even better" She continues. You glare at her, digging through her soul. You were obviously raging. You close your eyes for a moment before exhaling

"I don't give a fuck, Petra" You try to say as calmly as possible to which she only looks down.

The three of you arrive at the field and look around. The people who were training their looked hilarious. Annie and Petra try holding back the laugh that was tempting to escape. You cough when everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing and faced someone.

"It's Captain Levi" You hear the person in front of you say.

You raise a brow at the mention of his name and pay attention. This man made you curious. This should be fun, you thought.

"Continue with your training!" Captain Levi shouts. He had a very serious yet bored face.

You tilt your head to signal your squad to start training. They immediately follow, not daring to defy your orders. You look around, trying to find a good enough person to train with you. You look around once more and an idea came to your mind.

"Captain." You greet professionally. "Y/n from Shiganshina District"

He eyes you from top to bottom, his lazy eyes remaining the same. He lets out a sarcastic chuckle almost how you reacted upon hearing about him. You grit your teeth, annoyed by him.

"What do you want, brat" He says. You close your eyes, trying to calm yourself down and remain professional. He's the captain. Respect him. You repeat in your mind.

"I'd like to request a hand to hand combat with you, Captain" You requested. His squad looks at you, looking for any signs of seriousness. They were shocked as no one ever dared to approach the captain that way.

Out of nowhere, his fists make their way to the side of your face, you quickly dodge it by lowering your head. You grab the arm that he used to hit you but he wraps his leg around your left one making you both fall to the ground with him on top. You flip the both of you together, you, now on top of him.

You smirk at him. He only had a bored expression on his face.

An unexpected move turns things upside down. He pushes your body up, making you land on your back, the pain almost unbearable. You lay there staring at the sky, panting.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." He spits out, almost like an insult. "I can see how weak and pathetic you are from here" I grit my teeth almost breaking it.

No one's ever beaten you at hand to hand combat before. This pissed you off.

So this was humanity's strongest soldier, huh.

Annie and Petra try to help you up and you smack their hand away.

"I'd be embarrassed if I were her, looking tough and all that. Haha! I bet I could pin her down in a second" You hear someone say. You look for the person and spot someone with a semi bald haircut. Who does this egg think he is.

You stretch your arms and your neck before sliding your legs to his feet, tangling it, this made him immediately fall down. With his front facing the ground, you pin his arms behind his back, tightening it and making sure he felt pain.

"Connie!" Someone who I assumed was his friend calls out to him.

"Let me go!" Connie pleads.

"What are you waiting for? Pin me down, dickhead"

Everyone was now surrounding you. This is unfair. You agreed to this Scouts thing because you thought you would be killing off titans and going beyond the walls only to find out you were fighting off brainless humans, hell, they were worse than titans.

"Enough," Captain Levi appears.

You close your eyes before letting they guy go. You tighten your thigh band before walking away from the scene with Annie and Petra behind you.

I hate this Shithole, you thought.


Just some 3am story ideas:>

Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now