His Wife

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You wash the vegetables that you just picked from your garden. Making sure it was clean before you could cook dinner. You and Levi just got married a month ago after joining the Survey Corps for 2 years. After you got married, he convinced you to quit and yesterday you did, after days' worth of convincing.

You felt someone hugging you from behind, already knowing it was your husband, Levi. He gently showers you with kisses and you giggle at this. You drop everything and face him, looking at him lovingly.

He smiles at you before going in to give you a kiss on the lips.

"When did you get here?" You ask, wiping the small drop of blood on his cheek. You were already used to this; every day he would come home with the smallest blood stains.

He touches your hand on his face and kisses it.

"Just now, I dismissed my squad early after a successful clearing at the forest" He says. He suddenly hugs you, resting his head on your shoulder. You dig your fingers in his hair showering him with kisses.

After a while he leaves so he could shower and so that you could finish making dinner. He comes out of the shower clean as always. You couldn't help but chuckle at your clean-freak husband.

Someone knocks at the door, banging it loudly. From being a calm and loving person it quickly changes into a serious one. Your husband angrily makes his way towards the door, opening it. Behind the door was Floch.

"Captain, there's an average number of titans just outside the wall. We have to protect the gate before it gets destroyed." He says, panicked.

Levi grits his teeth before nodding. He leaves some instructions for Floch to follow before closing the door and making his way to the room. You only stand where you were, staying calm.

A few seconds later you husband comes out of the room, already in his uniform and complete gear.

"Stay here. I have to get rid of these stupid titans." And with that, he kisses you goodbye. You know deep down he'll be okay because that's how much you trust him but this does not stop you from worrying about him.

Hours have passed and he still hasn't come home. This makes you worry more. You pace around the house biting your finger nails until it bled.

All of a sudden, the house shakes and the roof was already gone. Your eyes widen upon seeing a titan looking down at you with its haunting smile. You weren't afraid of titans for as long as you were on your gear. But in this case you already surrendered your gear to the Survey Corps as part of your resignation.

"No! No! Please!" You plead, knowing deep down it couldn't understand you.

The 10-meter-tall titan picks you up, squishing your body in its hands. You knew there was no getting out of this mess. Tears start streaming down your face. This is the end.

You only smile and start remembering the happy moments you had with Levi. How you met during training. How he always made sure you were safe from being eaten by titans. How he proposed to you near the lake, by the tree.

The titan bites down on your waist, slicing you in half.

*Switch to third-person-view*

"Captain Levi! Your wife..." Commander Erwin says.

Levi looks at the direction of his house. He only stands there, numb upon seeing his wife's body being swallowed.

The woman he ever truly loved ever since was now gone. He regrets leaving her alone. It felt like a curse, losing the people he cared about. All by the same source.

He grips the base of his blades tightly and runs towards the titan. His eyes were now white, filled with anger. The titan quickly extends its arms towards him, trying to catch him. But Levi glides through the titan's arms slicing it on the way.

He creates numerous deep slices. He swings around and unleashes the blades on both of the titan's eyes, making sure to let it feel pain before he could kill it.

He finally slices a portion of the titan's neck before it tumbles down.

Levi pants. All his energy was put on killing the titan. He couldn't do anything else to save his wife.

Commander Erwin and the others approach him.

"I'm sorry, Captain"

He doesn't say anything, his face left no emotion. All the pain was still inside him and would probably be till the end. He couldn't forgive himself for the loss of the woman he loved.

And that started all the anger he had towards titans. He never remained the same till then. He then became the most ruthless and merciless soldier on the island...



note: I know regular titans can't break the door but let's pretend the could;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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