The Man Behind The Slaughter

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Third/Second Person (Sorry, I tend to switch a lot. Especially because I'm not 'Okay' (which is an understatement, a massive understatement) now) POV:

"Yes... I am him. I..."

The rest of the O.R.C then arrived hearing the talking, but decided to listen, but all froze as soon as the voice finished its sentence.

"Am William Afton."

The room had then gone silent, nobody had dared to step closer. Even if what can be seen is an old machine, but what they saw when they first met him showed that said old machine could still kick ass if provoke, nonetheless, their pause was also one of surprise, if the 'man' before them truly was The Man Behind The Slaughter, why wasn't he killing, or even harming Gasper, whom looked just like an innocent child?

Rias had then stepped up, raising her hand towards William, ready to open fire, though instead, a large, black and purple bear appeared and put his hand on William's shoulder, them disappearing soon after as they had appeared in a pitch black room, the purple bear then looked down at William with Gasper cuddled against his side, then the bear spoke:

"Long Time no See, dad... it's been more than 34 years, right...?" The bear's voice sounded solemn, but also like he had finally found family again after so many years... but... 34 years ago was the year 1983... then it clicked. 1983... the Bite of '83. This bear was William's youngest son... Christopher Afton.

"Chris..?" William quickly relaxed, if he could have cried, he'd have been balling, wailing, even. He was finally seeing his youngest son again, and even though he was acting far more mature than he was before his death, William could tell that this was his son. It had to be. So he put Gasper down, and got up off the ground, slowly approaching the bear in  front of him.

"Hey, dad..." And at those words, William caved, leaping into his son, wrapping his arms tightly around him, sobbing mechanically due to the vocal efficiency lack of the animatronic voice box, Chris had returned the hug, as well. He had never seen his father so emotional at any point in time, especially after he died and escaped the Nightmares... which now knelt to him after he snapped and had enough of their shit and being hunted, alongside targeted, all his years dead.

"I missed you so... so much, Chris... you have no idea..."

"I have a little bit of an idea, and... I know that you really didn't wanna kill the others, but... I guess insanity had other things in mind, heh-" Chris had attempted a chuckle, as having watched all that's happened, seen his father's insanity first hand and seen the slaughter that was the death of Charlotte, Susie, Gabriel, Fritz, Jeremy and Cassidy. But he also saw Elizabeth's, Michael's and his mother's deaths (Tell me in the comments what I should name Mrs. Afton. I don't wanna go with the usual 'Clara,' even though I like that name).

"Heh, yeah... I-I guess it did... wait... Elizabeth, your mother, Michael, d-did the same thing happen?! Are they possessing something too?!" He drew back the hug and kept his hands on his youngest sons' shoulders, looking him in the eyes with fatherly worry.

"I'm not sure if Mikey possesses an animatronic, but... he's a rotting corpse and has the animatronic you never finished living inside of him... Elizabeth possessed Circus Baby and Mom possessed Ballora. Oh, and the others abandoned Cassidy when I explained everything to her and she forgave you... so she's been a mess ever since. Can we bring her in when we all get back together again, dad...? Oh, and I know how to go into our soul forms!"

"Thank god... but yes, of course she can, Chris. Of course she can... she's a good kid. And soul forms..? Can you teach me, Chris..?" William was just happy that the others were still 'alive,' quote on quote, and he could see them again, but now that he could actually transform to his human form and normal... he could finally find and help his family be happy again, even if they threw him away because of what he did. He loved his family, and that was the only thing powering him and he would forever be powered by that love.

"Of course I can, dad. Oh-!" Chris had then seen Gasper beginning to stir, meaning he was beginning to wake up. Making Chris revert to his human form, but looked a lot older, looking like he was in his late teens. He was adorning a Grey shirt with a black jacket with black jeans. He also had healthy, decently long but also jet short black hair with a slash of purple, as to honour his older brother and his father having purple as their favourite colour.

"Hm?" William soon turned and looked back at Gasper, Chris feeding the needed knowledge into his fathers' head as he looked back at Gasper and kneeled, Chris then gave his goodbye's with a pat on his shoulder and teleported them both back to the O.R.C, but in front of Rias and her peerage with Gasper in William's arms.

Issei POV:

I heard something appearing in front me about five minutes after SpringTrap disappeared from his reveal of being William AFTON, The Purple Guy, I looked up since I was stuck in thought and saw the man himself standing there with Gasper unharmed in his arms, I knew he wasn't going to harm Gasper, either... I act like a perv because of my childhood but... after hearing William's confession with being who he is, but his gentleness with Gasper, I thought that... 'if that guy could change... maybe I can change too' so, I didn't summon Ddraig, but I did jump a bit.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm here to just drop off Gasper, after that... I'm leaving. I have a family to put back together and a soul to give a family." William had put down Gasper while he was talking, and Gasper had looked up to him... literally. I saw the look he gave Gasper in his eyes: A goodbye. But not a permanent goodbye. More of a 'We'll Meet Again' goodbye.

I saw Gasper walk away, as well. He wanted to cry, but didn't, he was staying strong. 'William really helped him a lot... I'll have to thank him when, or If we meet again. The guy's a legend. Literally and metaphorically, I feel bad for him though... I can get why he went crazy, I think I would've went crazy too.'

I could tell one thing, though, Rias wanted to kick William's ass. I get it, but I'm not letting it happen, so I stepped in front of Rias and just shook my head, making her grind her teeth before calming down.

'Whew...'  I sighed in relief mentally, thanking whatever Satan that was watching us right now for saving my sorry ass from possibly being erased.

William/SpringTrap POV:

Whilst I was walking out of the O.R.C, I could feel the hatred from Koneko and the disappointment and shock from Akeno, but I could also feel the rage and disapproval of The Strawberry Bitch. I didn't care, though. I had a family to put back together, and when I left... I immediately went back to Freddy's. I knew exactly where the animatronics where, especially because I know Henry wouldn't let the animatronics just get up and burned. I had also played an audio from Michael... so, I'm sorry to say Mike, but looks I'm coming to find you... not the other way around.

'My family... Cassidy... I'm going to come find you and make everything right.' I had then turned the corner, seeing the Freddy's Establishment in the horizon.

'... I'm going to come find you...'

A/N: Well guys... there's the next chapter. I'm... sorry for not posting. But recently, I've been through a lot and... recently snapped at a friend of mine when she was trying to help me and... I'm not okay. I hate myself with all the passion in the world right now because I hurt her. But, well... I'm gonna try my hardest to update this more for you guys, even if it fucks my life sideways. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you next time.

- With sincerity,

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