Chapter 1

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Odessa Raven opened her eyes to see her trunk laying on the floor still packed where she dropped it the night before.

The room she had slept in was quite dirty because no one had lived in Number Twelve Grimmauld place except for Sirius in a very long time.

Yesterday she had gotten off the Hogwarts express after he fourth year at Hogwarts  to find her god father Remus Lupin.

He informed her that they would not be going back to her childhood home which was only a short distance from the Weaslys. He said that they would be staying at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters for the summer whatever that meant.

She had already said goodbye to Harry before they got off the train but she felt awful he had to go back to the Dursley's especially after Cedric and the maze.

She asked if Harry could come with. The answer was no and she was told not to write Harry any information. Dumbledores orders.

She aperated along side Lupin to the place he called head quarters. The Weaslys who she had just left at the train station were there along with a few other wizards that she didn't know. They introduced themselves as members of the order. But the person she was most exited to see at Grimwald place was Sirius black.

Odessas parents had been part of the marauders group and had passed away only a few months before the Potters.

They had all been very close friends Odessa even had a picture of her mom, her dad, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Baby Harry, and herself as a baby(Peter had been taking the picture)

Harry was born first so when Lily and James made Sirius his god father, Odessa's parents gave Remus the responsibility of being her god father.

However when they died he was not the only one who took care of her. The Ravens were killed at the end of May 1981. That meant there was a 5 month gap between their death and the death of the Potters.

During this time Odessa mostly stayed with Lily and James. Sirius was always taking missions for the Order trying to be a hero. Remus was scared of even holding Odessa because of his condition and Peter seemed to be coming around less and less. Remus and Sirius were always stopping by and offering to baby sit. They knew Lily and James were having a hard time trying to raise two kids at the age of 21. The two men tried to take as much stress off of them as they could but for those 5 months Lily and James were her parents. She can't remember this of course because she was only an infant but they all loved her as their own.

It just so happened that the night James and Lily were killed Odessa had been with Remus. He had finally lightened up on himself and realized she and Harry weren't going to break at the slightest touch.

He was sent on a non dangerous mission in France and decided to step up as a god parent. He took Odessa with him and actually was happy for a few hours. He decided when they got back he would talk to James and Lily about Odessa living with him, after all it is what her parents wanted.

Of course we all know his happiness only lasted a few hours. When the news of what happened to the Potters and what Sirius had done reached him he headed straight to Dumbledore. He begged Dumbledore to let him take in Harry too but he said no. Remus tried to argue that he could do it that he could raise them both when Dumbledore reminded him of how hard it would be to just provide for Odessa with his condition. He then recommended that he went to see a red headed couple with six boys and a girl on the way.

God DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora