Chapter 3

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When Odessa, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were done discussing all of the events of that evening they walked out into the hall to find Fred, George, and Ginny all listening to the meeting down stairs with extendable ears.

"Hiya Harry." Fred and George said together.

"Hey guys. Hi Ginny. What are those?"Harry asked

" Extendable ears." said George

" Got you to thank for these mate." said Fred

Harry smiled happy to know someone was able to make use of Tri Wizard Tournament winnings.  They listened for a few minutes until Harry heard Snapes voice.

" Snape is in the order?"

"Yeah" Odessa replied " He shows up every once in awhile."

"And they trust him?"

"Dumbledore does and that's enough for everyone down there." She looked at him.

While this conversation was taking place Crookshanks at the bottom of the stairs decided to start playing with the bottom ear and ripped it off.

" No bad Crookshanks!"Hermione hissed down the stairs trying not to let anyone in the kitchen hear her.

Just then Mrs Weaslys opened the kitchen door and looked up the stairs to where they were all standing. Seeing them all hanging over the railing obviously trying to listen to the meeting she raised an eyebrow.

" Dinner is ready." She called up to them.

Everyone trotted down the stairs with Odessa in the back of the group. They all filed into the kitchen except Odessa. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs because she noticed her shoes were untied. When she was finished and walked into the kitchen her heart clenched.

In that room was everyone she cared about. She looked around and saw the man that raised her, the family who took her in, Sirius, her friends, the order and Harry. The same people had all been in the living room just a few hours before but somehow seeing Harry seated next to Sirius laughing made all of the difference.

A couple people in the crowded kitchen seemed to have seen her staring and she quickly went to go sit down. She chose the only open seat between Tonks and Ron. They laughed and made jokes the whole dinner apparently glad that Harry was back and safe.

Once everyone had finished eating Harry had had enough. He wanted answers and started drilling Sirius for them. Earning dirty looks from Molly Sirius quickly relented and started giving answers to Harry's unanswered questions.

" Voldemort is after something. Something he didn't have last time." Sirius said.

Mrs Weasly who already didn't like the idea of them knowing shut it down and said it was time for bed.

Odessa said goodnight to everyone and headed up to her shared room. Odessa and Ginny were on the queen sized bed and Hermione crawled onto her little pull out couch. Before long Ginny started snoring and Hermiones book that she had been reading fell onto her chest . Odessa couldn't fall asleep. She needed something to drink.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and slipped her feet down till they touched the cool wooden floors. Shocked by the coolness she graded her slippers and hastily put them on. Trying not to wake Ginny and Hermione she crept over to the door stopping to make sure she didn't wake them when she stepped on a creaky board. She opened the door nice and slow and shut it behind her. Once in the hallway she realized how dark it was and grabbed her wand casting


She looked down at herself she was wearing her red flannel pajama pants, a black tank top, and her long wavy brown hair in a bun on top of her head. She started down the stairs trying to skip the ones she knew creaked along the way.

Once at the bottom she saw a dull stream of light coming through the cracked kitchen door. Someone else must be up. She pushed open the door. There was an old oil lamp burning on the table providing just enough flickering gold light to see the bare muscular back facing her.

She knew who it was immediately even without seeing his face. He was sitting at the table facing away from her. She could tell his face was in his hands with his elbows resting on the table. He was shirtless wearing Gray sweat pants and she realized his untamable black hair was shorter than when she last saw it in June.

" Harry." She said brining herself farther into the room.

He turned his head just enough to see her and replied

" Hey Dessa, what are you doing up."

"I could ask you the same thing." She laughed starting towards the cabinet for a cup.

" I couldn't sleep." He said running a hand through his hair.

Harry kept the fact that he had just woken up from reliving Cedrics death to himself.

" Me either."

Odessa turned on the sink and filled her cup up with water. She walked of to the table and sat next to him. He looked up at her as she sat down.

" what's bothering you?" She asked him.

" Just the trial. I'm so scared they won't let me go back to hogwarts. I've never felt at home except when I am there. Ya know when they first told me that I was expelled I panicked so much worrying about where I would go because I sure wasn't staying with the Dursley's for any longer. Of course I didn't no about this place but I guess if they do expell me I could stay here with Sirius. I'm sure he would like that. Sure the house is full and exiting now but that's just because it's summer. Once school starts he might get lonely and want so company."

" ya I'm sure he would love to have you here with him Harry but I don't think you will have to worry about that."

" I don't know you didn't hear that howler they sent me." His face wasn't serious anymore he was laughing and so was Odessa.

When they both stopped he looked at her and said

" you really think that they will let me come back?"

"They have to I don't think Dumbledore would let his chosen one not finish his schooling." She said sarcastically.

" Shut up Dessa." He smirked " thank you though."

"For what?"

She caught her eyes drifting down to his chest and abs that were screaming at her to look at them.

" Just for talking to me I feel like I might actually be able to fall asleep now. Thank you." He smiled at her.

" Goodnight." He said standing up and walking towards the door.

" Goodnight Harry" Odessa replied watching him leave. She was still sitting at the table her water in hand with a smile on her face.

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