Episode 2 - Thought

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Kuragari had disappeared, he decided to live his own life instead of what he's supposed to live. What he brought with him was a Cell Phone, a Notepad, some shogi pieces, and basic essentials. He had written a name inside the notepad, "Kana Kira. Age: 16, Nationality: Japanese, Rank: Detective." And then abruptly put the notepad away and started walking.

At one point he was asked about who he was, he knew he couldn't answer Truthfully or he'd be found, so he lied. Then Kuragari rented a hotel as his base of operations, and made plans, what did he plan you may ask? Murder. He intended to murder Kana Kira, though Kana himself did not know, and Kuragari knew he needed something to call him out, to get his attention, and so he took a standard kitchen knife, and murdered the person in the room next to him, dragged the body away, and concealed it into a dumpster. He knew he had about 3 days until the Garbage was taken, which would leave 3 days for him to set up the next murder, he had approximately 26 minutes until the man next door's wife would come back, meaning he would have 26 minutes to set up a death trap for her as well, perfect, a double murder.

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