among us

592 21 1

Survey Corps

Me: Y'all there's a new random game out

Me: I say we all should try it!

Windexsenpai: What game

Hangeee: What game (2)

Connie: What game (3)

Potatogirl: (4)

Me: there's this random game named among us
filling my social media feeds

Me: so i say let's try it

QueenMikasa: oh i was playing that awhile ago

Horseface69: ye same I was with Mikasa

Recklessdud: wtf

QueenAnnie: many boys tried to hit on Mikasa cuz
of how good she is on the game

Horseface69: tru

Recklessdud: WTF?

Me: ight here's the code

Me: ******


Me: There's only two impostors

QueenMikasa: I could easily win if I was the impostor

QueenAnnie: yes i fear mikasa

Windexsenpai: how do you play this game

Me: levi baby, there are two roles

Me: if you get crewmate, you go do tasks

Me: if you get impostor, you go do the killing

QueenMikasa: can I please have the color red

*Starting in 5*


The game had started. As usual, all the players are at the cafeteria. They all ran to different rooms and did their tasks, or fake tasks for the impostor. Y/N went to the admin room to do card swipe, which everyone eventually went there too.

It had been only 5 seconds or so when the game had started, and Eren was already seen doing the Upload task in Admin. So Annie quickly ran and pressed the button at the cafeteria.


Levi: why

Connie: I was doing my task :(

Mikasa: Fck how to do the card swipe without attempting too much

Annie: Eren did the upload task on admin at the first 5 seconds of the match

Connie: ight that was a stupid fake task

Eren: what fake task ?

Me: eren my boy, you should do download file tasks
first before you upload

Me: ight vote him off

Eren: wait wait wait

Jean: you're a fuckin let down

Eren: you're one to talk when you don't even tell me anything to do as your impostor mate!

Hange: woah reveal

Potatogirl: aight its a wrap its a wrap

Jean: fuckin dumbass

Eren: why did you reveal yourself then jackass?

Jean: do you know how good Mikasa is at among us?

Jean: its not just at being impostor, being a detective as well!

Mikasa: thanks

Jean: no prob :)

Eren: stop this cringy shit!

Annie: you're just jealous stfu


Eren was an impostor
1 impostor remains


Jean was an impostors
0 impostors remain

Crewmates' Victory.

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