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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. 5 a.m already! I just want to go back to sleep ugh I'm so tired... " ... sweetie time to get up" my mom said. "mom can I sleep a little more?" I asked in my raspy voice. " Sam I told you not to work so late on your report! You are waking up right now. Hurry before your breakfast gets cold" "okay momma..." I rubbed my eyes and walked to the kitchen sat down and ate my breakfast

while I watch the news. "MOM did you make any coffee or tea for me" "no I left you 20 dollars for you to go buy some" she yelled. "okay" soon enough I was finished eating. walked to the bathroom brushed my teeth, and showered. I texted Justice to meet me outside my house so we can get some Starbucks. He said ok. I put on my under garments, T-shirt, my flannel top and black leggings. I put my hair in a bun and put on my glasses. Double checked if my keys and books were in my bag. I have a lot of time to kill so I wrote in my journal...

*Sam is writing in her journal*
It was a ordinary Monday. I hope today isn't going to be bad. Please let Zac leave me alone for once. I don't feel like being bothered today. My term paper is due and I have to attend the science fair. Why did my teacher had to elect me as a judge? He could have pick Tabitha she's isn't as smart but she's open minded. It's kinda hard being a judge and participating in the science fair. I'm going to tell him as soon as I walk in that class room. I forgot me and Justice have to finish our History presentation. I have a lot to do today....
*finished writing*

I was done writing then heard a knock on my door. "Just a minute" I quickly hid my journal. "Okay you can come in" I was happy to see Justice. "Hi Sammy" he hugged me. "Hi Justice" he sat on my bed. We had a little chat. It was finally 6 a.m. "Justice are you ready to go to Starbucks?" I asked while putting on my shoes. "YEAH" he said happily. He always is happy or excited whenever we do something together. I grabbed my bag and headphones with my phone. Justice grabbed his bag. We aren't old enough to drive so we walk. And Starbucks isn't that far away...

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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