A Fresh Start

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Skylar's POV

God I hate my life. My dad fucking sucks, I have no mom or little sister, why did it need to be me? I thought to myself as I was getting ready for life at a new home, new school, new everything. About 2 and a half months ago my mom and four year old sister died after a serial arsonist burned down our house. The FBI and cops were involved. They never caught him. My sister died right away and mom just four days later. I packed up all my stuff and went to check on Zack, my little brother. Ever since Mom and Hazel died he would get panic attacks. I went to his room in our apartment. "Zack, buddie, you got everything packed and ready for the truck?" I asked. All I got was the sound of crying and heavy, quick breathing. Damn. He was having an attack. I rushed into his room. He was curled up in a corner with his legs pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. I ran to his side and wrapped him a bear hug. "Shh. It will be okay. Everything will be fine Zack. Just breath for me. In and out, in and out." His breaths finally came back to normal. Thank god. I hear the front door to the apartment open. Shit. My dad is home. "Ssskyllarr" He yells slurring his words. I look at the time. 1:30 p.m. and he's already drunk. Great. "Skylar! When I call for you, you bring your ass out here!" I give my brother a reassuring look and I can see the look of panic in his eyes. Poor kid. He whispers, "Just don't be a smart ass to him. Especially now. Please?" "I'll try." I lie. I get up and walk out to the living room, the poster child of confident, eve if internally I was screaming. "What do you want?" I said with a board tone. "Now you listen you little bitch," he was in my face now. "You don't getta talk to me like that ya understand?" He slurred. "Whatever." I responded blankly. I felt something hit the side of my jaw, hard. It was his fist. It threw me off a bit but didn't knock me down. "Now arr you gonna talk to me like that again you ungrateful bitch?" He spat. I felt like crying. But I couldn't. I had to stay strong. "Fuck you." I spat in his face. Contact. This time I hit the ground. "You never learn do you?" He yelled. "Go to hell!" I screamed. I at least had a bloody lip and bruised eye. He just laughed and said, "Get up and go put your shit in the car." I gave him a look of utter disgust. I went to my room and pulled up my sleeve and got out my razor blade and placed it up against my skin and made 7 horizontal incisions. It felt good...for about a minute. Then the pain was back. I put my blade back in the special box where I had packed all my bathroom stuff. I went around my sad excuse for a room and made sure everything was packed. My dad yelled for us to get all our stuff packedand put in the car. Tomorrow I would be starting a new school, live in a new house, meet new people. At least one thing wouldn't change; the abuse and drinking. I miss my old life.


                                                                     *Day of Fire*

My boyfriend and I had gone out for milkshakes and greasy burgers. It was after football and cheer practice. My God I loved him. "Hey, look at the news Skylar." I turned around to the tiny box TV high up on the wall. They were talking about the arsonist that was going around killing people. The FBI even came out. "Damn. It's hard to believe that people can do this to other people." sighed Jack. "Yeah. I feel really bad for Mandy Parks and her family. I can't imagine how this would feel. Her baby son and husband were there. It just sucks. I doubt she'll stay the librarian let alone stay in this town." "Yeah. Do you think the Feds will get the son of a bitch?"  He asked. "I dunno. Hope so." As if on cue my cell rings. I pull it out and my dad is calling. "Hello?" I say taking a sip of my vanilla shake. "Oh God! Sky you need to come home! Actually we don't have a home anymore. Oh your mom and Hazel were home. He got them baby. ~sob~ please come home." my dad hung up leaving me confused. "Hey babe, that looks EXACTLY like your house." said Jack. Oh no. Dad meant the arsonist. No no no no no no no no no. I started crying now. I didn't want it to be true. "NO!" screamed trying to stand but fell after a few steps. Jack caught me. "J-Jack- it's - it's my mom and Hazel. He got them!" I sobbed into his shirt. I didn't want it to be true but it was. Jack drove me home and right away reporters and news people wanted to know something. They bombarded me with questions. I just couldn't handle them. "FUCK OFF!" I screamed. Then cried again. I went to my dad and brother. About a week after the murder Jack came over. The conversation went  something like this: "So how ya holding up?" "Well ya know terrible." "mmm." "Yeah." "Look. I think we should break up. I mean you are moving and won't be coming back to this school so we won't be seeing much of each other." That made me cry more. "Right when I need you the most you go and dump me. Well fuck you too sir.Get the hell out." Then he left. He didn't even know about the abuse or drinking. Then slowly my friendships slowly deteriorated. 

Now we were all packed up and leaving. I had my ear buds in and Nicotine by Panic! at the Disco was playing. Slowly I fell asleep. I woke up an hour or so later when we stopped at McDonald's to get food. My dad sober now and back to his normal self. When my dad asked what i wanted I said, "A McChicken and Big Mac with a large fry with a large Dr.Pepper." I could practically taste the obesity in the air, but I hadn't eaten all day and was starving. They gave us our food and then we drove away. I took a long sip of the soda then pulled out a fry. Soon all my food was gone. We were about four to seven hours away from our destination. I didn't know. I and l was full and lulled back to sleep by the smooth motion of the car and the sound of Helena filling my ears. I guess I was really tiered because when I woke up I was in the parking lot of my new life.

A/N Oh my God guys sorry for not updating! School and stuff had really taken over my life. It really needs to stop. Anywho was that chapter any good??? Also I apologize for any typos of misspellings. I'm fucking exausted. I will try to update soon but who knows. Also If you read my other story you'll know I haven't updated that either. I'm really sorry. I thank you for reading either of my stories. Love you!!!! Please comment and vote. Until next time Asshats!   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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