Meeting Patrick

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I was 18 when I met Patrick he was 20

I guess some could find how we met cute, others will probably not find it amusing. 

It wasn't a story book meeting, more of a sudden IN THE MOMENT thing. 

It was at a concert, my first concert actually. 

But the funniest part was that I didn't go by myself, or with friends, or with Patrick. 

Me and my boyfriend at the time Andy decided to go. 

It was a Death Cab for Cutie concert, which was not a band Andy was into. 

Me and Andy didn't share many interests at all, we really didn't have the best relationship. 

But anyway ... This is kind of how it went! 

I was super excited for the concert but my mood was kind of killed by Andy who had a negative attitude toward the whole trip. 

I slipped on my jeans and a cozy hoodie, grabbing a few things to throw in my backpack. 

My house keys, some gum, my camera, some money I had saved up for a hotel room. 

All morning Andy has been grumpy, i'm sure its because i'm dragging him to this concert. 

He really wasn't excited to go, and didn't have a problem with letting it show. 

I guess I was expecting him to at least act somewhat excited for me, his grumpy mood kinda killed my happy mood.

But of course Andy didn't like doing anything other than sitting around in his boxers and watching TV shows that HE liked.

Every once in a while watching a movie that I chose, every once in a while we'd fool around on the couch. 

But it was never anything great, there wasn't much chemistry between us, just meaningless kissing and screwing then him falling asleep while i'd get dressed and walk home at 4am. 

I thought of leaving him, but I guess there was just something holding me back.

I got into the car and pulled out my earbuds and phone, sticking my earbuds in and turning on my "Happy" playlist, which was mostly depressing romantic songs. I laid my head against the car window as we drove, the full 4 hours not talking once to Andy, pretending he wasn't even there. I'm sure he wasn't in the mood to carry on a conversation. 

We arrived at the club, wasn't anything big, just a small club in the middle of town. 

Andy parked outside getting out of the car and stretching, I followed."I'm going to take a walk" I turned saying to Andy, not even waiting for his reply, just knowing he would probably take a walk as well. 

Hopefully a walk 500 miles away from here, only to never return. 

I begin walking down the street, snow was gently falling and the town looked beautiful.  

It wasn't like back home, I hated where I lived. 

The town we lived in wasn't as lively, it was dead silent always. 

I walked about 3 blocks away from the club by now, searching for a coffee shop to walk into to get something to drink. 

"The Caffe" Well that was an original name, and not at all obvious.

I crossed the street walking into the small but crowded coffee shop, taking out my earbuds and wrapping them around my phone. 

I stood in line behind the few people patiently waiting for them to place their orders and then step aside. 

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