Please Read (important for story)

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This will help decide Izuku's look and kinda what direction the story will go in. Please comment what number you'd like to see, the numbers and how it might change the story are below

1- I continue how I've been

2- Izuku gets into fight later on and kinda ends up a little like Tom from eddsworld (if you don't know what that is just google tom or monster tom to see what I'm kinda hinting at)

3- I start to focus more on the love part of this while also continuing how I've been.

4- I skip ahead to more important parts like the final exam

5- You as the reader want me as the writer to go with whatever one I want to.

6- You have an idea (if you choose this feel free to DM it or comment it, I'm curious of the idea if you have one)

That's pretty much it, I would appreciate this to be done in 5 or so days but take as long as you need, I'll make a new announcement to let you know what number won and if I might add a little something else to it.

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