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Name: leila

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Name: leila

Age: 6

Gender: female

Species: ghost (like Christ Afton if that makes since)

Siblings: one brother

Personality: timid, trust issues, scared easily, doesn't like people very much

Backstory: (this was based off my dream also this was supposed to be me in the story so work with me here) I was getting ready for bed and I layed down when suddenly I woke back up and for some reason I was in a fred bear spring lock suit- and I got out of it for a second then our

babysitter came in the room I was staying in and for some reason she got angry and started to yell at me and then she stabbed me about 3 or 4 times in the stomach and made me get back into the suit so

I did and went back to sleep later my brother came in asking if I had a pink belly shirt tank top- I asked why and he said our friend who was staying over needed it and I looked but only found a grey tank top and he said thanks and left then later he came back in again asking for something else but I forget what it was

but we went into my closet and we suddenly heard the babysitter enter the room and me and my brother got scared but she saw a little bit of him so he walked out then she had some sort of palm size watch or something and said with an insane smile and voice 'I bet she's in here to huh?!' Then she walked in and I was

shivering like a leaf and one of the stuffed animals were kicking my back and she said 'this little thing can tell me how long something been here' and she yanked my arm out and told me to go back to bed (btw me, my brother, and my friend were

stabbed-) so the next day me and the other two were sitting on the couch when I started to rub my stomach and my brother lifted mine and his shirts a little to see the stab marks and said 'you have more than me' he was trying to lighten the mood but that made it worse he was staying close to me while our friend watched TV after that I texted my mom while the

babysitter brought our lunch and said 'I wanna go home' she replied 'we can't she's still sick' I got mad and said 'yeah but she stabbed all of us' she was about to respond when my phone died so I cautiously put it on the charger and turned it on writing 'don't say anything about it though ok' then erased all the messages. Later

when me and my brothers mom got home she sat by me and was going to lift my shirt a but to see the stab wounds but I told her to wait till we were home she hesitantly agreed and once we all finished eating we packed our few things and told the babysitter that we were gonna go home but the

babysitter got mad and asked 'why?! I'm still sick!' Our mom said 'my kids and their friend had a little trouble sleeping last night for some reason but I'll send you food and money' then she walked out but before we got in the car she wrote on a piece of paper 'don't take your kids here she might stab them like she did mine'

and told a girl coming with her kids what the babysitter did to me, my brother and our friend and then we walked away from the place and left then she called the police and had the woman arrested and we were bandaged up even though we were dead by then but nobody really figured that much out yet except the three of us

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