Reason 7

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Only Sophie has kept Keefe from doing really stupid things. And most of the stupid things he's done are for Sophie.

Sure, maybe for the first 2 books Sophie didn't really like Keefe. But those feelings start to change in Everblaze. And in Neverseen, Sophie and Keefe grow even closer. He waits for her. He joined the Neverseen for her. He listens only to her. We already know Keefe likes her. But what about Sophie?

Sophie is starting to like Keefe. Like when he read her emotions in Lodestar while being enhanced by her. He felt the emotions that were from her heart. In her head, she thinks he has a crush on Fitz which used to be based only on his looks. In her heart though, she likes Keefe. That's why he wouldn't tell her what the emotions he felt in her heart were. Sophie does get jealous of other girls being with Keefe. In Nightfall, there are plenty of moments like that. Sophie doesn't know why she gets jealous because she doesn't know her heart emotions. Sophie cares for Keefe and worries about him. Sophie and Keefe only grow closer and closer each book. I think Sophie now likes Keefe and Fitz equally after Nightfall. I hope she chooses correctly in Book 9. Heck, she doesn't even have to choose. Just take Keefe. Lady Fos-boss should be smart enough to do that.

This is my longest reason! And my favorite!

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