| Who is this Girl |

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*Knock knock*

"Taeyong, are you awake? I am coming inside."
He said as he slowly walks inside. 
When he comes closer to Taeyong, he found out that Taeyong was still asleep.

"Taeyong, wake up. I need to tell you something important."
He groaned as he lazily woke up and sat upon his bed.
"Yes, Dad? What is it that you want to say? why are you up so early?"

His Dad sat down beside him.
"Taeyong, I want you to take over the mob for me. You know I can not do that much work anymore. I know and trust to take over."

"But Dad, I don't think I will be a good fit for this, why don't you give it to someone else?"

The Dad looks at the family picture that is beside Taeyong's bed.
"I made a promise to your mother to take care of you and to make you continue the family's legacy, before she passed away."

He looked back at Taeyong and went to the door.
"I will give you time to think, I want you to decide and make the right choice for yourself. You can tell me what you picked when you are sure that you are ready."
The Dad walks out, Taeyong go up and got ready to go to his job.

Taeyong POV

"Chanyeol, is everyone inside already?"
Chanyeol nodded to my question and went to get coffee for me before leaving the office. I was waiting outside in front of my car.

"Excuse me, Sir, I need to get inside. I have an audition today. I can't be late. Please let me in."
A girl's voice in the distance was heard. I looked up from my phone and looked at the girl. She was blocked by two guards that were guarding the entrance. 

"You know what, it's fine. I'll just give up. Bye."
She left and walked to a restaurant nearby. 

She caught my attention, I couldn't stop looking at her, she is so pretty.
I was watching her walk away from my company but I got distracted when Chanyeol came. 
"Here is your coffee, Sir."

I look annoyed at him. I look back to watch the girl but she was out of my sight. I turned to Chanyeol who was confused with what was going on.
"oh,there was this girl. I just can't take my eyes off her, there is just something about her that is different."

Chanyeol smirked at me.
"Oh, like she is the first girl to make your heart start beating fast. Just be honest with me. You like her, don't you?"
He said while laughing.

"It's good if she is, you need to start dating someone soon. Your Dad will be really happy that you finally decide to get a girlfriend after rejecting everyone" he rolls his eyes.
What are you talking about, I just have no time to date, anyone. I didn't reject anyone.

"Can you go search for information about her? find out who she is and what she does? I'll go search for her."
Chanyeol nodded to me and left with the car while I ran to the restaurant that the girl was at.

I checked around but she was not there until a truck move, I saw her on the other side of it but there was a guy following her from far away.
I just watch her and make sure that nothing happens to her but I was too far to do anything.

I was thinking so much that I didn't see that the guy got closer to her. By the time I looked back at the girl, She collapses to the ground and the guy ran away.
I ran as fast as I could to her. What I saw was unexpected.

It was blood, that guy stabbed her. I immediately dial 119 and continue to stay by her side until the ambulance came.
I quickly called Chanyeol to go to the hospital and got inside the ambulance with her. I watched the paramedic do things.

When we go to the hospital, I followed them to the door.
A doctor came to me and tell me to wait and if I have any relationship with her.
I told the doctor that I am just someone who saw what happen and call for help.
The doctor understands and left.

"Yah Taeyong, why are you here? You are not hurt or anything, right?"
He came towards me with a worried face and checked everywhere on me for anything.

"I am okay, do you remember about the girl that i was talking about earlier?"
Chanyeol looked at his phone and back to me, he showed me his phone with a person's name, and then I saw the girls picture and name.
"So her name is Y/n and she was going to audition earlier?"

He nodded to my question. I continue to look at the information and asked him to send them to me.

"So she has two brothers and a sister... You know what Chanyeol, i would like to accept it."

"Are you sure about this, it's really tough, but whatever makes you happy, but i have to just agree with you."
He looked at me to make sure that I was not joking around.

"Yes i am sure that i want to be it. I will tell my Dad when i get home later."
I said to him while patting him on his shoulder. He jumps in excitement after hearing the news.

I am doing this just to protect Y/n and to make my parents proud of me. I honestly don't really have any other reason or a good one but I hope I could protect her from getting hurt.

"Hello, Sir. The girl is fine but she did lose some blood. You don't have to worry since she will wake up soon. I already call the people that were on her emergency list, they are on the way now."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor." I said while going to sit down next to Chanyeol.

"Can we get her to a more succure place? bring her siblings too."

"Of course we can Taeyong, you are my boss, not me." he said while laughing.

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