When we first met.

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Hi Im  Bernadette,well you might just call me berna for short.I might admit that my life is misseralable but not that sad cause there are people who makes me laugh and smile . And thanks to them.

Well its our first day of school and im already grade seven.Im seating on a white monoblock chair not so excited because im a new comer . My aunt had a son who study here but i dont think so that we can friends.Hes kinda shy .I remember last summer i went to their house,I felt the warm welcome of their family and his mom loves me so much.Im also excited knowing him but like what i said before he is shy which like a godamn why do he needs to be shy i already know him for almost 6 years and i never met him now this is the chance but,never mind lets just go back to the topic .Im seating right now whit my mom when she saw my aunt well honestly shes not realy my aunt shes just someone that i used to know and she likes me and i like her too.My aunt came and aproach us ,ill describe her,shes small but alittle bit fat, her skin is so fair and even shes old shes still pretty and cool.She drives like a guy and talk like a boss well shes realy a boss,.their family had a small company bussiness same like our family.When shes already at my front,she greet me and as i expected she called her son for him to know me.I looked around to find him and its so easy because our school only accomodate few pupils.I saw him with his classmates , their having fun and i think i ruined it.He came to his mom and the greetings begin."Yeoj this is berna ,you remember the little girl that i told you?"Woahhh,wait did she said a little girl.He is looking at me and im also looking at him with a big happy smile,im pretty sure i look not that totally decent because i had a short hair and im not beautiful honestly im not.Well hes not smilling which made me very frustated i loioked at him from top to toe and note there are no pauses .He is fat but taller than me and in my first look i might say tha he is someone that i wouldnt like and i dont realy like him that time . I also said"HI" but he just look at me and hi face is blank then i taught that he might not be liking me too maybe he also hates me just like what im feeling right now.But my mom realy likes him."Hello yeoj,youre so handsome"my mom said and i felt so akward, i never expected that he looks like that.I didnt support what my mom said im just looking around to find some handsome chinito boys and also wandering if what does my classmates looks like and i almost forgot about that yeoj thing

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