Getting to know each other better

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Hi guys its me ygjn,
           hope youll like the story and notE its a true story pls. vote:P

After those  chinese things and songs that made my nose bleed im so glad

that i found a friend,the good thing is that she is also a new comer.Her name is Yeng,shes kinda quite but her mom talks alot asin non-stop.

Yes,you heard the chinese stupid things because i now study in a chinese school.I hate this school because i hate chinese people but i slowly realize that they can also be good friends.As i look around, I saw many filipinos who also study here and some are pure chinese and some i think only half blooded.I wonder if where my classmates are.We,Yeng and I looked for them and i remembered when someone told me that the grade 10 have only 10 students,its kinda hell that they only have 10 members , what the fuck does this school do.And recognized the grade 10 students having their line straight.I also recognized Yeoj.I counted backwards to see if where is the line of the grade 7 and gladly i found them.A chubby,tall but chinita girl approaches us and ask if we are also a grade 7 pupils."Yes,we are" I said nicely with an akward smile.

"Well hi im kyla"

"And im bernadette,and oh,this is Yeng,shes kinda shy but..."

"Well comeon please have your lines,its smallest to tallest"

We took our places and...what,im on the fourth place in the line,is that how im small.Our adviser came and told where are clssrooms are.We are the only grade in highschool department who stays on the ground floor between the library and science lab.Its kinda disgusting because one of my dream school is that well stay in the upper classrooms.but nothing happened,but atleast our school had aircons every room which is one of my dream because im from a school that doesnt need any airconditioning because its totally surrounded with trees.I put my hand on my head as i saw our classroom.I dont know what to say,i dont know if it looks nice or not,I dont know if  im gonna like it.We start our first day class and as usual all of us needed to say our identity at their front and its my most hated part.New teachers ,new cats..... New classmates , new mice....

After that we had our recess.Well their canteen is big but the food are too much expensive , its like oh my god.

We only have short class today thats why we ended so early.I saw my mom and also Yengs mom and as usual its non-stop.

"Bye Yeng bye tita"I called after them as they go through the gates . And after a few minutes we,my mom and i also went home.

The next day,as usual just an abnormal day.I dont talk too much.

Yeng came and because shes only the one whom i talk.As i look around i saw the reality that im really ment to be in this school,well i dont know why but i felt like im home and warmed welcomed

"Hi Yeng nice to meet you again huh" I told her while putting my hands on her head.And as usual,im the one who talks first."Hello too berna" her short answer.

Again,we go to our lines and go to our respected classrooms.




"Ok class,today,we are going to start our  classes so please wait for your subject teachers and please...behave" Our adviser,Mrs.Odono told us."Yes maam"as we answer.

After those etc. we finally had our recess.Recess and lunch our my best reason if why im willing to go to school:D

I already both my food as well as Yeng when suddenly...

"Ate,heres your allowance,my mom gave it to you" I was shocked.

I look at my right side and saw Yeoj.I dont know what to say,what should iiii! Oh god,why does my brain mulfuction when hes there.And then....Bingo

"Oh thanks kuya,please tell your mom that im very thankful"and i smiled.Then hes gone.

I looked at the money , and my aunt gave me 500 pesos,which is a big one.

The next day we had a i dont know.Our adviser just told us to count by 3 and go to your group mates.

Well i had Sammantha and Rayner as my group mates.And because im a new stu. i dont have any idea about it.We proceed to the grounds and the grade 10 students stand in our front.And our very strict math teacher chose pupils that will join those grade 10 students.And by a good mistake or maybe a bad luck.We belonged to Yeoj group .And our math teacher announced that this will be our group for our CLG.I didnt even bother because i dont know what CLG thing means."Every friday youll have your CLG,please be sure that you remember you group and leaders please write down you group mates n@me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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